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As most of you know by now I have restored the Roger Bonville #110 Big Block Coupe and run the car with NEAR. My Question is, There are at least 3 drivers that drove this car. Can you name the drivers and the car # at that time? Please don't look it up on the NET or in a book, try to use your head. Good Luck, Richie.
Richie, I'll start it of with Bob Potter #110 and Bill Staubly #110 both drover your car. Also thanks for getting the trivia questions going again. rmf
RMF, You are correct on Bob Potter, I know Bill Staubly drove the small block car not sure on the Big Block car. If so, then there is 4 drivers. This is why I post these Questions so I can gain more info on the car. There is at least 2 others left. And I'm happy to be posting again lol! Richie.
Richie, I know you really don't like info for these question's being taken from the internet, but I have seen a pic of a #110 coupe with the driver listed as Bob Finkelday.
OWR, Bingo- Jiggs is one of the two drivers. He drove it back in 1974 or 1975 with a small Block in it, (Good Job). Here is a Hint on the other Driver, When He drove this car it was painted black with Yellow,Orange and White Numbers. Good Luck,Richie.
Well Folks it lasted a week and no one got the last driver, So here it is. In 1978 my Coupe was Black and the number was 318 Driven by no other then Eddie Bunnell. I do have a picture if anyone want's me to e-mail it to them. Thanks for play-en, Richie.