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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
This car was owned by a gentlemen named Mike Wenglowski who was a long time sponsor of local racer's (Still is), and then a former car owner for period of time.
As a little side teaser to this pic, can anyone name all the driver's who have driven the #34 for Mike W?
A hint, the list of driver's might suprise some of you as arguably a few of CT racing's greatest drivers drove it at one time or another, and several others were champions or winner's in some form of racing in CT.
Yes indeed WMT, former Quarter Midget standout Chris Carchidi was another one of the driver's. Now these last couple of driver's will be tougher as they both only drove the car on a few occasions........
Correct RMF, Darren Menditto was also one of the driver's. AF, actually Rick D'Abate bought the car pictured from Mike W so he doesn't count as one of the driver's.
There is still two driver's left. Hint's: Both are retired from racing at the present time, one had a huge amount of sucess in the Late Model division at all 3 CT track's and was succesful in other division's as well. The second driver enjoyed a lot of sucess in the Street Stock and Pro Stock division's for many year's at area race track's.
Yankee, you have solved the final piece of the puzzle as the "Farmer' Phil Rondeau also drove this car at Thompson on a few occasions.
So as you can see, arguably two of the best driver's ever to race at the local level in CT Bob Potter and Phil Rondeau drove for Mike.
Waterford SK champion and multi time feature winner Jeff Pearl drove it. Multi time winner at Waterford and a former SMS SK rookie of the year Tucker Reynolds Jr also.
Long time Pro Stock division racer and feature event winner at track's all over the NE area Wayne Bellefluer.
Former Strictly Stock front runner at Thompson and Waterford, and SK competitor at SMS Darren Menditto. And Chris Carchidi a former Quarter Midget race winner and champion at both the Little T Speedway and at Silver City in Meriden.
So as you can see in his brief time as a car owner, Mike had quite the impressive list of chauffer's in his car.