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(Augusta, ME – January 5, 2007) Cassius Clark of Farmington, ME was named Touring Series Driver of the Year by the members of the New England Motorsports press corps at the Northeast Motorsports EXPO in Augusta, ME tonight.
In PASS competition in the PASS North Super Late Model Series, Cassius was either hot or not. He had five wins, four seconds, and three not so goods in twelve races. He was more hot than not and he finished seventh in points for the 2006 season.
While waiting for the PASS North Series to get under way, Cassius and the E J Prescott sponsored team made two trips down Route 95 to see how they stacked up against the best in the South in the inaugural PASS South Super Late Model Series Season. In the first PASS South race at legendary Hickory Motor Speedway in the Easter Bunny 150, Cassius put the #8 on the pole for the first pole award in PASS South history, and he won a heat race in his second attempt down south, but the gremlins got him in both races.
The Chapman Racing team came back north and won the first three PASS North races of the season and was off for 2006.
However, he was not through with trips south. On Thanksgiving weekend the entire crew went south again. This time to the Mason-Dixon Meltdown at South Boston Speedway, South Boston, VA to challenge 54 other super late model teams from Florida, Texas, Wisconsin and everywhere in between for a chance at the $12,500 first-place check. And, as you may have guessed, Cassius beat his buddy and fellow PASS competitor Johnny Clark to the checkers.
Cassius is the fourth PASS driver to chosen Touring Series Driver of the Year, joining last year’s winner Mike Rowe, the previous year’s winner Johnny Clark, and Ben Rowe who won in 2000.