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***************only 3 races left after bristol*****************************
I think this topic should stay on its own
As the time nears for this 2004 season to end, We all wonder what will happen with the 10 that are going to be in it, There is some issues that are burning me alive..... Why the top 10, If you remember Alan Kulwicki won the 1992 title but it was a very long road, At the September Dover race Alan was 278 points behind, which in some ways, Its a impossable feat, but it was done, Which is why i am gonna give a few ideas on what should happen... Look at this example, This is based on the CUT OFF at 300 points, and not 400 and the top 10....
Jeff Gordon leader >>>>>>>in
Jimmy Johnson - 68>>>>>> in
Dale Earnhardt jr - 139>>>>>in
Tony Stewart - 165>>>>>in
Matt Kenseth - 236 >>>>in
Kurt Busch - 345>>>>>>> out
Eilliot Sadler - 390 >>>>>> out
Kevin Harvick - 422 >>>>>>>out
Bobby Labonte - 455 >>>>>>out
Kasey Khane - 462 >>>>>>out
Now see the example.... And i do stress this would be based on a 300 point MADATORY CHASE, As of now we have 5 drivers in the chase, next year could be 5 drivers again, Or it could be 3 drivers, this way here the bottom 5 drivers will not win the championship BASED ON DEFAULT.... The 300 point idea i had is based on 278 points that ALAN was behind so it proves to us that it can be done, but 400 is really out of the question here, Also on a historical note, Bill Eilliot had the title won but choked after the Southern 500 in 1985.... With a 206 point lead going into richmond, DW made a dent in each race and made those points up, Cinching the title at Riverside Raceway by 102 points, so anything is possable, A interresting topic was brought up on windtunnel this evening also.... What should we do if qualifying rains out? In my opinon take the top 20 out of the points, And redraw them, The back 23 will start stright up, Ifound it rather boring to see them start idenitcal 2 weeks in a row, Also another idea would be, friday rains out completely but Saturday morning they get there 1st round in, They could be lined up on how they practiced, So it does give other teams a chance..... I recently found a book that i have had for awhile that has recaps of races from 1972 till 1989, I am thinking on writing a article on these classic races, some of them might be before your time, never know, Till then
Some really good ideas, but this "new system" was the brain child of the inheritor of the franchise, and really needs to be tested and given a chance. I don't think he woke up one day and said "ok, here's what we are gonna do". This plan took some thought. If it works well, hero time. He had to come out of the box with a great plan, to prove himself. He certainly is taking a chance, but it could backfire.
You bring up Kulwicki. How exciting is it when the cup championship goes down to the wire like that! I compare it to going to the last "SK" points race of the season at Stafford in any given year. Would we rather sit and watch as Teddy takes the green to win the championship, or would we like to see four or five guys giving him hell for the championship. It's all about viewership, and attendance. With this new system to have it mathematically possible to have 10 guys be in the hunt, is almost unfathomable! I really think that this new system has given a little life into the last stretch of the season. I hate tuning in to watch Homestead knowing who's won the cup already. I will love it if theres more than 1 guy in the hunt, and 10 would be fantastic. To watch the 9 teams throw away the pre-printed championship hats! From an advertiser stand point, it is kind of scary, no air time for the guys not in the hunt. But so far you can say that the drivers in the top ten HAVE earned it and been fairly consistent, (with the exception of Johnson).
I'm sure there will be some tweaking in the years to come, if they indeed stay with this format. But as Tony Stewart said so articulately last weekend, "We (the teams) had no say in how this was going to work, it was Brian's idea". Neither did the fans. But I'm sure we as fans will have a say (later) by our viewing and attendance.
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!