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Biffle talks about Las Vegas testing wreck: #16-Greg Biffle is among the walking wounded these days after seperating his shoulder last week at a Las Vegas, crashing during a Goodyear tire test. Biffle doesn't remember anything. "I donīt know what happened. The guys heard the tire blow in the pits, in the garage. Boom!, they heard it. Then four seconds later they heard it hit the fence and I went all the way around the corner unconscious before I woke up. I woke up on the backstretch...I crashed in turn one you know so it was big. We donīt know what happened to the tire, theyī re obviously looking at it. Did it cut, did we run over something on the racetrack, did the tire fail? You just donīt know. Problem is with issues like that when they blow out and hit the fence and they catch on fire thereīs nothing left to inspect. The right rear tire looks fine and all the left side tires look good, so we donīt know. You canīt blame the tire until you really analyze what might have happened."(PRN's Garage Pass Radio Show)(12-14-2006)
Biffle talks about Las Vegas testing wreck Part II: #16-Greg Biffle will soon begin rehabbing the right shoulder he dislocated when he had a tire blow at Las Vegas last week when he was doing a Goodyear test with Kyle Busch. "They said it looks good. They did the MRI on it and they saw that it was dislocated off the back. Iīve had front dislocations from wrestling and stuff like that so Iīve had a bad shoulder so this just added to the problem. There are some corrective surgeries that a person can do and Iīve elected not to do any of those in the past, but possibly I may look at doing something at the end of this (2007) season. Itīs definitely going to be fine to drive, I probably could drive now if I absolutely had to but certainly Iīll feel better in two or three more weeks. "Thursday was the first night I had my sling off. So, probably in about three or four more days Iīll start some rehabilitating stuff like pulling on rubber bands. There are four muscles that hold your shoulder in the socket and those are all stretched out so the best thing to do is get those strengthened before you start lifting weights or anything else."(PRN's Garage Pass Radio Show)(12-15-2006)