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Germain Racing sets sights on Nextel Cup racing: On the heels of winning the 2006 Craftsman Truck Series championship, Todd Bodine and Germain Racing have announced that they will take their success to the Nextel Cup Series in 2007. In what will be Toyota's inaugural season of Nextel Cup racing, Bodine, Toyota's first ever NASCAR champion, will pilot the #03 Toyota Camry in 15 select events that represent top markets and NASCAR's premier events. Germain Racing captured the 2006 Truck Series title in only its second full year of racing. The team hopes to mirror their immediate impact at NASCAR's highest level. "Since we started the team in August of 2004, our primary goal has been to be Toyota's #1 truck team and to win them their first NASCAR championship," said Germain Racing team owner Bob Germain. "In 2007, our goal is to successfully defend our truck championship and also be the first Toyota team to win a Nextel Cup race. With the team we have, I think it's very possible." The team is currently seeking marketing partners for the 15 races. Interested parties should contact Germain Racing [germainracing.com]. Owned by brothers Bob, Steve, and Rick Germain, Germain Racing is home to 2006 NASCAR Craftsman Truck Series champion Todd Bodine and 2005 champion Ted Musgrave. Since its debut in 2004, Germain Racing has captured ten victories and claimed this year's Truck Series championship.(Sullivan Worldwide PR)(12-7-2006)
Germain team scales back 2007 Cup plans: driver Todd Bodine says that the Germain Racing team he drove to the 2006 Craftsman Truck Series title is scaling back its Nextel Cup plans for this year. The team had planned to run the 16 "car of tomorrow" races, but the team won't run that many, Bodine said. "Winning the championship kind of put a kibosh on the whole program or a monkey wrench in it," Bodine said Friday during truck testing at Daytona International Speedway. "We decided we wanted to run for the championship again in the trucks and to run as many Cup races as we wanted to probably would hurt that program. So we don't know what we're going to do. We don't know what races we're going to run. We're going to run some. That's about all I can tell you." Bodine said the first race for the team could be the Allstate 400 at the Brickyard, which is not a car-of-tomorrow race.(SceneDaily.com)(1-12-2007)