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I do not usually posts many thoughts on the NASCAR Busch East Series, but with all the latest announcements I felt the need.
The 2007 schedule finds the Series traveling to several new venues, which has created quite an uproar. Teams have allready announced their departure from the Series for 2007, and others may run only a partial schedule.
While I feel for the teams that will leave the Series or run only partial schedules, I believe the added venues are a necessity. I know many will disagree, but this is my reasoning.
My biggest reason for believing in the new schedule, is the new age restrictions imposed for the Series in 2007. The Busch East Series will now give drivers the oppurtunity to develop their skills within the NASCAR family for two years before reaching the minimum age restrictions for the Busch, Truck, or Cup Series.
Several of the new venues will be, or allready are, hosting the Busch or Truck Series. By competitng with the Busch East Series, drivers will have two years of practice at these tracks before a possible Rookie appearance in one of NASCAR's "Big Three".
Several NASCAR Cup Series teams have allready expressed interest in using the Busch East Series for Driver Development, and with the addition of tracks like Iowa Speedway, and Music City Motorplex to the schedule I would expect to see more.
The move towards the West may also open the door for more sponsorship oppurtunities. A major market that any Busch East Series team should be pursuing, is former sponsors from the NASCAR Autozone Elite Divisions. These sponsors once advertised in the market area of the new venues, and may want to do at least a one race deal.
Finally, I would like to see the combination events NOT count towards the Busch East Series Championship. These are the events that not all drivers will attend. Eliminate them from the points and only count the tracks that were run in 2006. This way we gain venues for those who want to travel more, but still have the Busch East Series.
Just my thoughts, thanx for reading them. -WMT-