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32 Team closed after Homestead? hearing that PPI Motorsports will close up shop after the 2006 season, that the pit crew has been hired by Michael Waltrip Racing and most of the team/crew at the shop has been laid off. Driver Travis Kvapil, as announced, will drive a Roush Racing Truck in 2007. Sponsor Tide is leaving after this season and word is that they will not be back in NASCAR as a sponsor.(11-18-2006)
UPDATE: Sunday’s “Ford 400” at Homestead-Miami Speedway was likely the final ride for Cal Wells and his PPI Racing Team. Longtime sponsor Tide announced a few weeks ago that it will leave the team (and the sport) at the end of the season, and Wells has been unsuccessful in securing a new backer for his struggling Nextel Cup team. Sources close to the situation say Wells informed his employees that he will close the doors later this week, after a hoped-for sponsorship deal fell through.(Motorsports Soapbox)(11-24-2006)
UPDATE 2: The doors are still open at PPI Motorsports, but the downsizing continues as owner Cal Wells laid off six employees on Wednesday and now has a staff of nine at his Hickory, NC shop. The total will remain there for the time being but will be reduced to four by January unless a sponsor comes through to keep the #32 Nextel Cup team on the track in 2007. Wells signed a contract with a company based in California's Silicon Valley back in June but said the company, which he wouldn't name, has changed its business philosophy and isn't ready to invest in motorsports at this time. Wells found that was tough to take after spending more than two years working with the company. NASCAR worked with Wells to attract the sponsor, and Wells is grateful for that help, saying NASCAR can't be blamed for the company's decision. Wells said he's been able to place many of his employees with other teams, including Michael Waltrip Racing, saying, "very few of them" are on the unemployment line. While the owner plans to register the #32 with NASCAR for 2007, it will take something out of the blue to field a team next season. At the moment, he's talking with people interested in buying all of the team's equipment and inventory. "There are a couple of folks that are looking at running a limited program [in '07], and we're just perfect," he said. "They could come in and start a new lease - our lease is up on the building, but the owners [really want] to have somebody in here. We're trying to work a deal where we can just hand the keys [to the shop] to somebody and lease back some office space." Wells said he's "pricing it to sell" and will see what happens. The employees on hand are inventorying the equipment and preparing it to be shown to additional parties. Wells will keep four employees through January before deciding on the next step. And he hopes the sponsor eventually steps up to the plate. "I'm keeping PPI as a business. I'm going to enter my number for next year. And I'm working on some other things that I can hopefully partner up or do something. I've still got some other deals out there cooking."(SceneDaily.com)(12-1-2006)