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Leo "The Lionhearted" Cleary started racing in 1949. Leo won 14 track championship's in his career. He was the 1972 and 1979 Seekonk Modified champion and the 1986 Pro Stock and 1987 Mini Mod champ at Seekonk as well.
Besides the aformentioned championships at Seekonk in the Modified, Mini Mod and Pro Stock divisions Leo was also a champ at the Thompson Speedway and Norwood Arena in the Jalopies and Cut Downs as well.
Among the track's Cleary competed and won at were Medford Bowl, Lonsdale, Norwood, Catamount, Westboro, Thompson, Seekonk, Stafford, Martinsville, Oswego, Waterford and New Smyrna.
Leo Cleary retired from racing in 1993 at the age of 63 after being injured in an accident in a Florida Modified event. Leo can still be seen from time to time attending races in the New England area cheering on his grandson Cory " The Cub" Cleary.