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A RUMOR circulating is that the Boehler Racing #3 will not be returning to the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour in 2007. A lack of major sponsorhip is the RUMORED reason.
I personally can not imagine a Modified Tour race without Ole Blue. Any company looking to break into Motorsports Sponsorhip needs to look no further than this team.
i really hope that this is not true. I know they have had a lot of bad luck this year, but the tour wouldnt be the same without ole' blue. I saw the modified they used durring the end of the season was for sale on ebay, but hopefully they can land a good sponsorship deal.
I as well hope this isn't true an Ol Blue will be on the track in 2007.
Of all the memories I have of seeing Ol Blue on the race track with drivers from the late Fred Desaro right up to Eric Beers, one that I'll always remember personally is when I was crewing on Tucker Reynolds Jr's SK team and we decided to run the Fall Final SK race at the last minute. We showed up on Saturday morning with no practice and no handicaping an this being several years ago before the expanded pit area, no place to pit. So we ended up pitting outside the the fence near the pit ticket booth and noticed we were under the watchful eye of one Lenny Boehler from the Tour pit area.
We started 12th, dead last in are heat and with a little luck an some good drivin TRJ ended up finishing in 5th, a qualified spot. So as we loaded up to head off to Waterford (once again noticing that watchful eye of Lenny) where we were in the point chase and ran our heat and feature finishing a solid top 5.
The next day found us back at SMS an by qualifying an by some cars not, we earned our way into a spot in the pits. We started pretty far back due to no handicaping in the feature and finished a respectable 7th. As we were loading up Lenny walked over with a smile, a handshake, and nice job boys.
For us to recieve an atta boy from the likes of Lenny Boehler, meant more to all of us than anything.
How about Todd Szegedy and the Tide sponsorship to "Ole Blue"?. Would be a great fit, as Mike B. and Todd are friends. What a team that would make !!!. Just a dream I was having, may never happen, BUT what if ?????
half the teams have haulers worth more than most people pay for there house.the big teams have no money limit and full time help on pay roll. no wonder the 3 car is done
Very true. Zach sylverster was selling is comparitivaly "small" hauler for around 70k. It too bad that racing has gotten so expensive that teams like this cant race anymore.