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NASCAR will not adopt a separate points system for the drivers in the Chase for the Nextel Cup next year, according to Chairman Brian France, who was on hand Sunday at Texas Motor Speedway for the running of the Dickies 500. What is likely to change, France said, is the 400-point threshold for drivers outside The Chase being eligible for it. And he said NASCAR is on its timetable to re-evaluate The Chase after the completion of its third running. “Listen, if you look at history in sports, playoff formats are adjusted quite a bit over many years,” France said. Teams are added, conferences are changed around, teams are moved in and out. It all affects who makes the playoffs. Baseball went to another round of playoffs. Lots of changes happen. It should not be looked at as unexpected [in NASCAR]. Right now, we have a good [points] battle. That’s why we never said we were going to do a big change. We just said we were going to look after three years—it was enough time to look at how three years had unfolded and see if there were any adjustments we could make to the format.”(Ford Racing)(11-6-2006)
"We're going to do something to make the win more important,'' France said. "That's something very important. There will be some other adjustments that we consider and they'll be small, by definition, modest changes. It won't be a revelation.'' France stated a winner might benefit in ways other than more points."It may not just be that,'' France said. "There's lots of ways to make a win more important.'' What about a separate points system for the title contenders? Some drivers have suggested NASCAR adapt that. "I don't think you're going to see races within a race and all that other stuff,'' France said. Another area of debate is the Chase field. The top 10 drivers and anyone within 400 points makes the Chase. So, what about expanding the field? "No, it's not on the table,'' France said. "We like the 10. Ten races, 10 drivers.''(Roanoke Times)(11-6-2006