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"The Kid From Fitchburg" Ron Bouchard started his racing career in 1963 at the age of 14 at the Brookline Speedway in NH. He won the first race of his stellar career in that same year at the Norwood Arena.
Ronnie went on to become one of the most dominant drivers in New England Modified racing winning well over 200 feature events driving for car owners Marvin Rifchin and Bob Johnson.
At the Stafford Motor Speedway he had 34 career Modified feature event victorys, and also was the 1973 and 1979 Modified track champion.
He also enjoyed much sucess at the Seekonk Speedway, winning many feature events and the Modified track championship five times, including four consecutive years in a row 1968 thru 1971 and again in 1978. Other highlight's of his Modified career were winning the 1978 New Smyrna Speedway World Series tittle and the 1980 Thompson 300.
Bouchard then went on to run in the Winston Cup Series winning in only his 11th career start driving Jack Beebe's Race Hill Farms #47 at the Talladega Speedway in 1981, and also capturing the rookie of year honors in 1981 as well. He went on to win three poles and score 19 top 5's and 60 top 10's in 160 starts with a best season point finish of 8th in 1982. Ronnie also competed in the Busch Grand National Series capturing two wins and four poles the two wins coming when he swept both the series events held at Darlington in 1984.
Ron Bouchard retired from racing in 1987 and is now a sucessful car dealership owner in Mass and can still be seen attending Modified races in New England as a sponsor for his brother in law Ed Flemke Jr's racing efforts.