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JUSTIN, TX. – There has been a lot of talking surrounding Kertus Davis and what his future might hold. The answer finally came at the Texas Motor Speedway with Kevin Harvick, Inc. announcing his addition to the team for 2007.
Over the last two years, Davis has grabbed attention while running his sponsorless, family-owned Chevrolet struggling against the Nextel Cup affiliated teams. Davis, unlike other young drivers, worked on his own machines during the week and at the track. Sometimes a struggle to simply show up each week, Davis and his father Johnny continued to push on.
“I’m really looking forward to it. A lot of people know my story. To have two champions, Bobby and Kevin on my side, hopefully we can get the Dollar General Chevelet to victory lane pretty soon,” Davis said of his new venture. (Read More
KHI announced Friday that Dollar General will return as primary sponsor on the No. 77 with Kevin Harvick, Bobby Labonte and Kertus Davis splitting the events. Labonte will drive 18, Harvick four and Davis 13. TEAM PR: Kevin Harvick Inc. (KHI) announced today that Dollar General Corp. (NYSE: DG) has renewed its contract for the 2007 NASCAR Busch Series season. The Goodlettsville, Tenn.-based discount retailer will return to KHI with the No. 77 Dollar General stores Chevrolet in all 35 events on the Busch Series schedule. Two-time Busch Series Champion Kevin Harvick, Cup Series Champion Bobby Labonte and Busch Series driver Kertus Davis will alternate as drivers of the No. 77 car during the season. Davis will compete in 13 events; Labonte will compete in 18 events and team owner Harvick will compete in five events for Dollar General, including one event in the KHI owned No. 33 car. Dollar General will enter into its third year as a primary sponsor in the NASCAR Busch Series, and its second season with Kevin Harvick Inc. The Dollar General stores car will be one of two full-time Busch teams that KHI will field in 2007. In addition to the No. 77 car, KHI will field the No. 33 Chevrolet, which will feature multiple sponsors and drivers.(KHI PR) AND: Harvick, Tony Stewart, Ron Fellows and Cale Gale will share the No. 33 next year.(Scene Daily) (11-03-06)