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Wells hopes to secure #32 sponsor soon: Cal Wells hopes to secure sponsorship for his #32 PPI Motorsports Chevy shortly, saying there are still just a few details to be ironed out. One of them is the identity of the driver, as Travis Kvapil is exploring other options while waiting to see if Wells gets a deal locked down. "I'm talking to anybody who's willing to talk right now. Just kind of exploring options and seeing what's out there," Kvapil said Oct. 29. "If I go back to the [Craftsman] Truck Series, it's going to be a move for the long term, not just for a year or two. ... I'm going to have to do something pretty quick here, because it would be nice to know where we're going to land." Wells hopes to spend this week working out the final details of a sponsorship that could allow him to keep Kvapil. "There are details still to pull together that, if it all comes together, are going to be pretty profound," Wells said. "We would like to keep Travis, but he's got some other opportunities, so we'll see how that goes." Wells had hoped to announce his deal earlier this month, but said the presentation is important. "From an agreement perspective, we're there, done," he said. "But there's just some details that are going to be very positively impactful to the whole program and we're just not at the point of being able to do [the announcement]."(SceneDaily.com), current sponsor, Tide, is rumored to be leaving the sport.(10-30-2006)
Kvapil back to the Truck Series? on Speed Channel's SPEED Report, Ray Dunlap reported that 2003 Truck Series Champ could be headed back to the Craftsman Truck Series full time in 2007, possibly driving the #6 for Roush Racing. No word if Kvapil would still drive full time in Nextel Cup and stay with Cal Wells and the #32 Chevy.(11-6-2006)