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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
I attended Stafford Motor Speedway friday night, and saw probably one of the most exciting, bizzare, and down right rough finishes I've seen in quite some time in Late Model feature events. The race was rocky from the start, with several cautions and then a spectacular barrel roll through the fronstretch grass by the 14 of rick charette, then three wide into turn 3, the 48 of Quintilliano on the bottom, the 3 of Possoco in the middle, and the 4 of Butler on the outside. The 4 of Butler was the big loser, as he made hard contact with the turn 3 armco. Then on the last lap, the 3 of Possoco put the bump and run on the 48 of Quintiliano off of turn 2. They continued to bump and grind down the backstretch through the grass, at one point they both slid back on the track in turn three. As they exited turn 4, the 48 seemed to turn right and possoco made hard contact with the wall. The 48 crossed the line 1st, Possoco limped across 5th. Possoco exited his car infuriated and had to be restrained! The 48 team prepared to celebrate in victory lane, but wait, "a call from above", the 48 and 3 cars are placed to the end of the lead lap for rough riding, and the 49 of Joe Rezutek who crossed the line 2nd was declared the winner. An obviously upset Quintiliano exited victory lane in disgust. A look at the LM point standings, shows the two (3 and 48)locked in a tie for the top spot. Phew! Talk about drama! TNT's got nothing on this!
Yo, dude. That was something! I couldn't believe what an idiot Quintiliano was. But, if memory serves me right, doesn't he fall out his tree about once a year like this? But, to tell you the truth he usually does it earlier in the year, and then he stomps off all half/cocked or gets thrown out for a few races and then doesn't come back for a while. Didn't he just come back from one of those episodes like in the last few years?
It was an exciting race, better than watching Teddy win in the SK's five times in a row!