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ACDelco, a brand of GM Service and Parts Operations (GMSPO), will not return as the primary sponsor of the Richard Childress Racing (RCR) No. 2 Chevrolet in the NASCAR Busch Series in 2007, GMSPO officials announced today.“Our decision not to continue our involvement in the Busch Series is related to our desire to explore other consumer marketing initiatives, including other motorsports activities,” said Jim Moloney, general director, GMSPO Marketing. For over two decades, the ACDelco brand has been intrinsically associated with the Busch Series. As both an event and team sponsor, ACDelco has made significant contributions to the growth and success of NASCAR’s premier feeder series. During the past ten years, an impressive roster of drivers has competed in the ACDelco Chevrolet, including Steve Park, Dale Earnhardt Jr., Kevin Harvick, Johnny Sauter, Ron Hornaday and Clint Bowyer. From 1997 through 2006, ACDelco drivers have earned an unrivalled three Busch Series championships, two Rookie-of-the-Year titles and 30 victories. In addition, ACDelco drivers have earned at least one Busch Series win in each of the last 10 years, including Bowyer’s victory at Dover International Speedway in September.(ACDelco PR) (10-19-06)