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A rumor on the street has Doug Coby an the #77 team parting way's, and Woody Pitkat as the new driver. The rumorhas this possibly taking place before season's end, or possibly for 2007.
The Chase team has always been a solid team imo, with engines from Bob Bruneau and A1/S&S Diablo Chassis and connections to the south with Chase's son. Yuhas has quite a few loyal and solid sponsor's that back his racing endeavors so who knows it could be what the doctor ordered for both of them if it was to come to fruition.
I just wanted to add to this a little. The question was is the #77 a good car. The answer is absolutely. As Open stated A1 S&S Diablo Chassis and Bob Bruneau Engines. They have a back-up as well, a dedicated crew, and a wealth of knowledge.
Annon, this team won the NASCAR Modified Tour Championship with Rick Fuller.
As for requiring a great deal of money for the seat, ALL rides are pretty much the same deal. I know that some rides in the past, when I was a Modified Tour crew member, came with a $4,000 per race price tag. For someone like Yuhas who is running his own car, it actually would most likely be LESS expensive to drive the #77.
Just my two cents. -WMT-
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 19:39, 2006-10-26
I just wanted to add to this a little. the question was is the #77 a good car. The answer is absolutely. As Open stated Troyer Chassis and Bob Bruneau Enines. They have a back-up as well, a dedicated crew, and a wealth of knowledge.
Annon, this team won the NASCAR Modified Tour Championship with Rick Fuller.
As for requiring a great deal of money for the seat, ALL rides are the pretty much same deal. I know that some rides in the past, when I was a Modified Tour crew member, came with a $4,000 per race price tag. For someone like Yuhas who is running his own car, it actually would most likely be LESS expensive to drive the #77.
Just my two cents. -WMT-
Yuhas is NOT running his own car he doesn't own the car.
It is NOT his money going into that car every week.
If Doug Coby is such a hot shoe how come he ran so poorly?
The only answer could be the car.
Why did JBlll walk away from the 77 a few years ago in mid-season?
Just because you win something 10 years ago doesn't mean you have all the right stuff this year, does it?
Let's ask Tony Stewart!
I know for a Fact that Woody turn down that ride because of the pricetag.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:38, 2006-10-26
Just so you know Woody wasnt in the backup #77 at Thompson because Chase wanted to make sure they would have a backup ready for the Fall Final. Thats a very good car, and i heard Woody might be in it next year if he can bring a lot of $ with him. It would be good to see Yuhas in that car also. He has been running very stong as of late.
pitkat has one good year and now hes a super star ,give me a break he drives just like bighead ted he never misses a car on his way by .if he gets the chance to get in a wmt he'll get a real education if he trys it with those guys
There are two things that came to mind while reading all the different posters thought's on all the up and coming drivers that deserve a chance on the WMT.
One is the question I think a lot of us had on our mind's just a few years ago of what will happen to the WMT when drivers like (Now don't get me wrong, I'm not trying to suggest any of these guy's need to retire.) Stefanik, Tony Hirschman, Marquis, R.Fuller, Reg, TC and Flemke Jr do decide to hang the helmet? I think the answer is in guy's like Civali, Jimmy Blewett, Coby, Matt Hirschman, Yuhas, Silk, and Chris Pasteryak to name a few of the promising group of drivers coming up the WMT ladder.
The Second thing that I find interesting is some of the WMT crowd are quick to bash the SK Mod division. Of the seven drivers I mentioned above, five of the seven cut their Modified "teeth" in the SK Mod's, and one (Blewett) is now a weekly SK competitor and Matt Hirschman run's the SK division whenever the WMT is at Thompson.
pitkat has one good year and now hes a super star ,give me a break he drives just like bighead ted he never misses a car on his way by .if he gets the chance to get in a wmt he'll get a real education if he trys it with those guys
To Woody's credit, he still is currently tied for the Late Model championship at Stafford too, so all of his success this year can't be contributed to just pure luck. And as soemone who attended every single race this year at Thompson, I can confidentally say hes not a dirty driver. He gets into people just like anyone else, and doesnt just take people out like Teddy does. Malave took on that roll this year. And it would be interesting to see what he can do. If you were to look at the rookies this year, four out of the top 5 all either race, or raced SK's on a regular basis. Civali is even 5th in points! I believe the next great crop of drivers will come out of the SK ranks.
I know the rumor mill has had everyone except the man on the moon driving the #77 next year but the latest talk is Zach Sylvester could be the pilot of the #77 in 2007.
does that mean zach's team is being sold? i saw them at thompson speedway flee market with their hauler, as well as lots of parts (neft bars, gears, wheels) for sale, but no cars. hopefully he'll be back racing next year.
AF, Zach didn't seem to (As evidenced by his podium interview at Stafford's Fall Final) make it much of a secret that he and his family were looking to get out of the ownership role, and that he was looking to drive for someone in 07. So as you said, hopefully he can put a deal together whether it be with the #77, or another team to compete in 2007.