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Todd Szegedy, in the Wisk/Snuggle's #2, has taken the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour Bud Pole Award. Full qualifying results are posted in the Whelen Modified Tour News section.
-- Edited by openwheelracer at 18:44, 2006-09-30
just heard that Peterson was dumped in his heat race by the 08 which is the 48 back up car. fordcing Peterson to the 16 race. anybody have more info????
Peterson was driving over his head like he's been the past few weeks and went three wide early in the race and got loose - the 08 had no place to go and tagged him. Guess the 17 didn't have his "special" tires on - I'm sure he will for the race on the 28th or he'll do is usual bashing his way through the field.
I wasn't there to see the incident so I won't comment much more than to say knowing the way Chuck Docherty races I doubted it was anything intentional.
Also having watched Jim Peterson race for many years I don't agree with your opinion Anon that he bashes his way threw the field.
As far as your comment on the #17 teams tires Anon, I don't recall any dq's in tech this year involving tires an the #17 team so it's just speculating on your part.
have to agree with open on this one. Peterson is a veteran driver and you don't win 23 races and 2 championships by driving over your head in a heat race.
as for the special tires that's something new. what's so special??
there is wide spread speculation of tire soaking in the late model division at sms.
i wont start rumors nor do i have proof. all i will say is that several of the top 10 cars are thought to be soaking based on observation of their tire buying habits, sticker recon and a soaker seller who tells people who he sells to (if anyone chooses to believe him).
its too bad if it is going on. its outright against the rules. i applaude trying things to push the limit and test the gray area of the rules but soaking is outright cheating. its too bad that some think its not cheating unless you get caught. i think it would be a shallow win and be less meaningful.
tire soaking??? lets get back on track here. All I am asking is was the 17 08 a racing incedent or did the 17 get dumped. because I wasn't there I had to work. and i would hate to think that chuck would do something like that. I'm just looking for some info on this from people who saw it.
I know I looked up a few times in the heat and 16 lapper when i saw dirt flying in 1 and it was the 17 in the dirt moving people off the bottom. I know he had to go but his heat race problems were probably started by someone who didn't care for his 2nd lap tactics in a 10 lap heat race. Especially when he was already in a qualified spot or really close to one.