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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Bowyer earned his first Busch Series victory of the season Saturday by passing Matt Kenseth with 21 laps to go and holding on during overtime to win the Dover 200 at Dover International Speedway.
Kenseth caught Bowyer with eight to go while the leaders were battling through lapped traffic. With cars in front of Bowyer, he struggled to fend off Kenseth. That's when the caution flew with four laps left because Martin Truex Jr. spun around in the middle of Turn 4.
Truex, who led 77 laps and appeared on his way to an easy victory, lost the lead when Kenseth passed him with 31 to go. He fell through the field with reports of a smoking car and a flat tire, and finally the spin did him in.
On the green-white-checkered restart, Bowyer pulled away as his teammate Kevin Harvick battled Kenseth for second.
Kenseth held on for the position with Harvick third. Jamie McMurray finished fourth followed by Jason Leffler as Reed Sorenson spun across the start/finish line for sixth