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Latest on Martin's plans..back in 2008? Mark Martin says he's working to secure sponsorship so he can compete in the #60 No Fear Racing Ford for 10-12 Nextel Cup races in 2007. And he's not ruling out the possibility of returning to the series full time in 2008. For next season, however, Martin plans to compete full time in the Craftsman Truck Series for Roush Racing, though he does not have a contract yet. No Fear, owned by driver Boris Said, crew chief Frank Stoddard and businessman Mark Simo, has competed in four races with Said this season. The team has a business partnership with Roush Racing. As far as the possibility of competing for Robert Yates Racing next season, Martin says that is "unlikely at this point in time." He says that his heart simply isn't into competing full time in the Cup series for another year. "I really do want to do a limited Cup schedule to complement their truck program that they're going to offer me," Martin said. "That's where we are today." Martin added that there have been more opportunities come up than he would have ever expected for him. He says he keeps reminding himself of one simple fact: "What is it that I want to do? I've got to keep my eye on that target and do what I want to do and not what someone else wants me to do." Martin says he's eyeing those 13 weekends off in the truck series and hopes to combine his seasons to include chances to win in both series. "I would do Nextel Cup if somebody could offer me 13 weekends off more than what I have this year," he said. Asked about the amount of money being offered some drivers and if he had a magic number, Martin quipped, "Not a realistic one." But he's not ruling out full-time Cup racing forever. "I can do this truck thing, and I get a chance to catch my breath. I would say that there is a good chance that I'd come back full time in '08," he said. "I don't know what I want to do, and I'll never know until I get a break. I haven't had a day off, I don't feel like, in 19 years. Yes I've had a day off, but I haven't missed a test, I haven't missed a practice day or a qualifying day or a race day in 19 years, and every year I do more and more and more to stay competitive."(SceneDaily.com)(9-22-2006)