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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
(Naples, ME -- September 22, 2006) Over 170 cars in four divisions checked into Beech Ridge Motor Speedway, Scarborough, ME on Thursday night for the Midweek Open Series 50 Lap Specials to kick off the big PASS 400 Weekend.
In the Stock 4's, it was Derek S. Cairns of Waterford, ME bringing the #87 home for the victory and the $500 check. He was followed to the line by Troy Jordan of Turner, ME in the #6, Jerry Goss of Mechanics Falls, ME in the #8, Jamie Leavitt of Minot, ME in the #93, and the fifth place car was driven by MYSTERY DRIVER #1 with the bad handwriting.
In the Trucks, it was Rick Hebert in the #19X from Peru, ME who finished fifth but took the win when the top four finishers had troubles in post-race tech inspection. Second went to Jeff Meserve of Saco, ME in the #17, followed by Matt Dow of Buxton, ME in the #84, Jeff Gillette of S. Portland, ME in the #5, and Chad Binette of Arundel, ME in the #0.
Bob Washburn of Durham, ME in the # 0X took home the $500 in the stock 8's. Nick Coates of Turner, ME in the #12 was second, followed by Travis Stearns of Gray, ME in the #85, Thom Bell of Minot, ME in the #18, and Clayton Barker of Standish, ME in the #6 was fifth.
The best finish of the night was in the Ladies Race as we saved the best for last. Dottie Patria of Turner, ME in the #34 came across the line backwards to take the checkers over Tina Titus of Lisbon Falls, ME in the #48. These two great drivers had battled for most of the 40 laps and came out of turn four to the checkers side-by-side, banging and beating, and finally tangled with 20 feet to go and started spinning, but it was Dottie who slide across the line first. Kimberly Sessions of Auburn, ME in the #2 had the best seat in the house at the finish and came home third, followed by Vanna Brackett of Buckfield, ME in the #23 who came from the back of the field to fourth, and Donna Coffin of Hollis, ME in the #26 was fifth.