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WATERBURY, VT – Race fans looking to save money on tickets to the upcoming New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl at Barre, Vermont’s Thunder Road’s Int’l Speedbowl can stop by their local Dodge dealer and pick up a Super Discount Coupon (while supplies last). The coupon is worth $5.00 off the price of an adult ticket for the 43rd annual event, slated for Saturday, September 30 and Sunday, October 1 at the high banked, quarter-mile speedplant. One Dodge Super Discount coupon can be redeemed per $25 adult ticket purchased. Kids tickets (6-12) are $5.
The Milk Bowl, which will pay $10,000 to the winner, is known as the “toughest short track stock car race in the country” thanks to its unique format. To qualify for the race, the American-Canadian Tour (ACT) Late Model competitors will have to work their way through the Booth Bros/H.P. Hood Qualifying Day events which will include a $1,000 Pole Award for the driver who sets fast time in the Series’ lone time trials of the year. The second fastest driver will garner $500 from Booth Bros/H.P. Hood. The three fastest time trailers will be guaranteed the first three starting spots in Sunday’s 30-car Milk Bowl field.
Next, the competitors will run in one of three 50-lap qualifiers. A predetermined number of drivers will transfer out of the “Triple 50s” and into the Milk Bowl line up. The next group of qualifiers will be taken from the fastest time trial drivers who haven’t yet earned a starting berth. Everyone else will move to Sunday’s “B” Feature where the drivers will have their last chance at making the field.
Once the 30 starters have been determined, the survival of the fittest begins all over again. The racers have the Milk Bowl’s three 50-lap segments to look forward to. Each competitor will earn points based on his finishing position in each of the 50 lappers (1 for 1st, five for fifth, etc). Following each segment, the finishing order will be inverted to determine the start of the subsequent portion – the winner will have to start dead last! Once the 150 laps have been contested, the driver with the lowest cumulative point total will join the ranks of such notable racers as Harold Hanaford, Jean-Paul Cabana, Robbie Crouch, Dave Dion to name a few, and be crowned as the 2006 Milk Bowl Champion.
Post time for the Booth Bros/H.P. Hood Qualifying Day and the 43rd annual New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl will be 1:00 pm. Spectator gates open at 10 am both days.