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Australian racing legend dies in crash during rally: Peter Brock, one of Australia's most successful and well-known race car drivers, died Friday in an accident during a rally in Western Australia state. The 61-year-old Brock died when his car crashed into a tree about 25 miles east of Perth during the Targa West rally, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corp. The Confederation of Australian Motor Sport said his co-driver was taken to a hospital and is in stable condition. Brock dominated Australian auto racing for three decades before retiring from the touring car circuit in 1997. He made a couple of brief comebacks and at one stage owned a racing team. He won Australia's premier touring car event, now known as the Bathurst 1000, a record nine times, and held more pole positions and won more races than any other driver since the inception of the Australian Touring Car Championship in 1960. It was the second death this week of an iconic Australian, coming four days after Steve Irwin, globally famous as television's "Crocodile Hunter," was killed by the barb of a stingray while scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef.(EPSN.com/AP)(9-8-2006)