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34th annual TD Banknorth 250 scheduled for July 22, 2007
OXFORD, Maine - Oxford Plains Speedway announced Tuesday that its crown jewel of New England short track racing, the TD Banknorth 250, will be contested for the 34th time on Sunday, July 22.
Qualifying will begin at 2 p.m., with dozens of the top late model drivers from Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Canada and beyond expected to enter the lucrative event.
Reserved seats will become available in the coming weeks.
“We are extremely excited about the TD Banknorth 250 in 2007,” said Oxford Plains Speedway owner Bill Ryan. “We expect to see more cars and more fans from across the region that we have ever seen before. We also expect to see some of our friends from NASCAR Nextel Cup enter again this year. The 34th running of this race is going to be super.”
In a new and exciting development, the 2007 TD Banknorth 250 is part of the Oxford Late Model Challenge, a five-race series that will give regional late model drivers an opportunity to compete for unprecedented prize money.
Approximately $300,000 in purse and point fund money will be paid out in the Challenge, which begins Saturday, April 28 with the New England Dodge Dealers 150. Again this year, the winner of the TD Banknorth 250 will enjoy a minimum $25,000 take, enhanced by an extra $100 for every green-flag lap that driver leads during the event.
For the fourth straight season, the TD Banknorth 250 falls on an open date for the NASCAR Nextel Cup Series, making it possible for some of the sport’s marquee names to enter the race.
NASCAR Nextel Cup champions Matt Kenseth and Kurt Busch revived a trend from the TD Banknorth 250’s heyday when they chose to compete at OPS in July 2004. Kenseth finished third in that race after taking a provisional starting position and starting last on the grid.
Kenseth returned with Busch’s brother, Kyle, in 2005, and Kyle Busch led a 2006 delegation that included fellow top-10 Cup competitor Denny Hamlin, Ricky Craven and J.J. Yeley.
Kyle Busch led laps in both the 2005 and 2006 race, with a top finish of sixth in his first appearance.
The TD Banknorth 250 fully returns to its roots as the premier late model race in the country in 2007. Late Models are again the headline division at Oxford as they were in 1974, when then-track owner Bob Bahre introduced a 200-lap open competition event with a $4,500 first-place check.
Fifty laps were added to the race the following year, and the TD Banknorth 250 quickly emerged as the most prestigious, single-day stock car race in the land.
With literally hundreds of weekend and touring racers in New England and Canada owning a car that will easily conform to the 2007 TD Banknorth 250 rulebook, speedway officials anticipate a record-shattering entry list. An all-time high of 106 drivers registered for the 1983 race.