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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
After going through all the "official sponsors", I came up with some of my crazy ideas. So here goes.
New Awards for 2007 season.
1. Tissot Fast Lap Award - $250 to the driver who runs fastest lap in event PRACTICE. This would mean the award could go to a driver who fails to qualify for the event.
2. Mobil One Drive Clean Award - Voted Award of $250 to driver who has most impressive performance.
3. Goody's Tough Break Award - Voted Award of $250 to driver who has toughest break during the ENTIRE event. Meaning this award COULD go to a driver who does not qualify.
4. Gillete Young Gun Award - $250 fastest Rookie in Qualifying. This award will be presented even if the driver does not qualify for the event.
Whelen Modified Tour Race Sponsors:
1. Domino's Pizza - If they had $2 off a Large Pizza with a Ticket Stub.
2. Enterprise Rent-A-Car - 10% Discount with Race Ticket Stub.
3. New England Chevy Dealers - The DODGE BOYS have sponsored events for quite a while.
4. Direct TV Set-up on the Midway and sign people up. Offer 10% off Package with Race Ticket Stub.
And Finally:
AutoZone Would become the Title Sponsor of a "B-Main". The "B-Main" will be run at EVERY NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour event in 2007 with a seperate purse from the MAIN EVENT. NO drivers would advance to the MAIN EVENT, it would be a seperate race for those who failed to qualify. A pay scale based on a 5-car incrimant would be used to determine purse. 10% off puchase with Race Ticket Stub from ANY 2007 Tour event.
Just a few ideas. People like to save money, and these savings reward the people who supported the event they sponsored.
Thanx for reading . -WMT-