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Bill Davis Racing announced 2007 lineup; Mayfield in #36; Blaney back in #22: Bill Davis Racing (BDR) announced today [8/24] that Jeremy Mayfield will join the organization to drive the #36 Toyota Camry the team will field in 2007 NASCAR NEXTEL Cup Series competition. Additionally, Dave Blaney, current driver of the #22 Bill Davis Racing entry, will remain in the Caterpillar car for the '07 season. "We're happy to have Dave back in the Caterpillar car next year, and we're just as excited that Jeremy has decided to join our team," said Team Owner Bill Davis. "Both of these men are very talented and capable drivers who are veterans of the sport and yet still hungry to win. Both Jeremy and Dave are extremely knowledgeable and will play an important part in taking our race team to the next level." 360 OTC joins Bill Davis Racing to serve as the primary sponsor of the #36 Toyota machine beginning with the '07 Daytona 500. Headquartered in Athens, Ga., Rockford-Montgomery Labs, Inc. is the developer of 360 OTC, a brand of FDA-approved Over-the-Counter (OTC) pain relief medicines. "We feel like we've put together a winning combination," Davis said. "Rockford-Montgomery Labs, Inc. is a solid company which has learned in the short time they have been involved in the sport just how big a marketing tool NASCAR can be. They were interested in finding a spokesperson that can get their #36 Toyota to victory lane as well as appeal to the people in their market. Everyone agrees that Jeremy is that guy. He's a proven winner and is obviously a talented and consistent driver, as well as a smart businessman. He brings with him Chase experience and a great deal of excitement, and we feel fortunate to welcome both he and 360 OTC to our family." Mayfield most recently competed for #19 Evernham Motorsports. The 37-year-old driver, who hails from Owensboro, Ky., has made 402 starts at NASCAR's highest level and was a contender in the Chase for the Championship during both the 2004 and 2005 seasons. "I'm very, very excited about the opportunity to be a part of Bill Davis Racing," Mayfield said. "I've always thought a lot of and had a lot of respect for Bill and Gail, and I'm thrilled to be a part of their organization. Obviously, I'm looking forward to working with Toyota, Todd Holbert [General Manager of Triad Racing Development, Inc.], Tommy Baldwin and everyone involved with the Toyota program, and I'm looking forward to being a part of Toyota's entrance into NEXTEL Cup racing as well as working with them for a long time to come. Rockford-Montgomery Labs and 360 OTC has also given me a great opportunity, and I'm happy to have the chance to represent their company, their people and their products. From what I've seen at Bill Davis Racing, they have the resources in place and the desire to do whatever it takes to be competitive, and those are the kinds of people and the type of place that I want to be involved with." "It's certainly nice to know with half the season left where I'll be next year, and I'm glad it will be back with Bill Davis Racing," Blaney stated. "This is the place I have always considered home, and though we've struggled a bit more than anyone thought we would this year, we all think the future is bright for BDR. I'm excited about the opportunity to be a part of Toyota's entrance into the Cup Series, and I'm looking forward to working with Jeremy next year. I think next season has the possibility to be the best one Bill Davis Racing has ever seen."(Bill Davis Racing PR), see full PR on my #36 Team News and Links page.(8-24-2006)