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Ken Schrader, who loves to race on a short track as much as the super highways, will try his luck at the third-of-a-mile Wall Township Speedway.
The Nextel Cup driver who spends as much time driving short distances on dirt as he does such tracks as Daytona, Darlington and Talladega, will spend his Thanksgiving weekend racing in the 33rd annual Turkey Derby.
Track operations manager Jim Morton put together the deal, finalizing it on Tuesday, to bring the 51-year-old Schrader to the speedway after getting a commitment from the veteran car owner and former driver Harry Reed of Howell to use one of his "Wall" modifieds for Schrader to drive.
If Morton can obtain the use of an "Open" tour-type modified, Schrader also will race in that 100-lap race. And Schrader may not be the only big-name driver to run the traditional Thanksgiving weekend races.
"I'm still making phone calls," said Morton, on the job only month after replacing Jack Terhune.
In addition to racing in the Turkey Derby race, Schrader has agreed, according to Morton, to spending time at an autograph session.
"He's going to do an autograph session and he's coming here to race," Morton said, ensuring that he will be competing against such speedway regulars as current modified points leader John Blewett III of Howell, Tim Arre of Toms River, eight-time track champion Dave Michel of the Manahawkin section of Stafford, Tommy Farrell III and Steve Reed, Harry's 21-year-old son.
Schrader traditionally participates in Thanksgiving dirt races, but is eager to switch over to asphalt this year, Morton said.
"He's coming here to compete in the race or races, depending on what modifieds will be available," Morton said.
Previously, NASCAR and NHRA drivers, because of contract agreements with their racing teams, have been prohibited from actually racing. Instead, most of the time they have run exhibition races.
Morton said that's not the case with Schrader, who has long enjoyed racing at the small tracks across the United States. Morton expects to finalize the distances of the Turkey Derby races, both for "Wall" and "Open" modifieds, next week with managing partners Tim Shinn and Fred Archer.
According to Morton, he'd like to see one race for each, thus doing away with three 50-lap features that make up Turkey Derby. The thinking, he said, is to cut down the length of time spectators have to sit at the track and streamline the show, especially if the weather turns cold and damp.