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Harvick to 'Buschwhacker' critics: Quit griping: Kevin Harvick is one of 24 drivers attempting to run in both the Busch Series and Nextel Cup events this weekend at Michigan. With the record number of "Buschwhackers" at Michigan, Harvick knows there will be talk about limiting the Cup drivers in the Busch Series. And he's going to have none of it. "They need to quit griping and start learning how to win," Harvick said. "That's what all of us had to do. This is not something that's new. It's just something that's more widespread through the media. "There's a couple of them that gripe about it more than others that have been here for a while that seem like they're on the coast-and-collect program so they just need to figure out how to win races and run better. That'd be what I would do." Harvick leads Carl Edwards by 443 points in the standings. The top six drivers in the standings are Nextel Cup regulars. "When I came in, Mark Martin was pretty much kicking everybody's butt, Jeff Burton [was also good]," Harvick said. "They were winning races and it wasn't really that big of a deal and now it's a big deal it seems like. "I've always been the type that if you get beat you need to figure out why. That's what I would do if I was them instead of worrying about how we can try to be more competitive with getting rid of people. That's not really the answer to things."(SceneDaily.com)(8-18-2006)
That's easy for Harvick to say because he has a Cup programs resources behind him. That, to me, is the big deal. The Cupcakes have the resources (engine programs, wind tunnel, crew & big dollar sponsors because of their Cup publicity) where the Busch regulars don't have that to fall on. They are just trying to make it so maybe they can get things in place to maybe get noticed and move up to Cup. NASCAR & track owners make money because more people want to see the Cup-Lite race, so the little guy gets hurt. You don't see the Yankees or Red Sox playing against the AAA clubs, or the NBA or NFL playing against college teams, why do the major league racing teams (HMS, RCR, JGR, EMS, RR to name a few) & drivers get to do this in NASCAR? The answer is $$$$$$$$$$, plain & simple for NASCAR & Track owners and paid for testing for the teams. NASCAR created this when they limited testing and created a cash cow for them.
It's no better than when Civali ran an X-mod. Should only be able to move up not back down in the majors unless you are no longer competing at the higher level.
Ok, let's see Bristol event qualifying. 15 full time Cup regulars in the lineup, the top 6 in qualifying all full time cup competitor's and for arguement's sake, there is an additional 11 driver's that ran Cup full time at one point or another. So what does all that mean for journeyman competitor's like Caleb Holman, DJ Kennington and Brad Kesolowski? As you can see, not a snowballs chance in hell of qualifying.