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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
A last minute deal was put together, and we will have Live Updates coming from the track tonight. BenAlthen will be calling in the results and OpenWheel will be handling the posting. This Ben's first time helping with the Live Updates, and we just want to say "Thanx".
And the final feature event of the night is complete, the SK unofficial top 10 finisher's were:
Woody Pitkat
Frank Ruocco
Chris Jones
Jeff Malave
Eric Berndt
Willie Hardie Jr
Todd Owen
Brad Hietela
Jeff Baral
Kenny Horton
Side note's: TC suffered engine problem's and had his usual kind word's for his engine builder on the mic.
John Blewett III suffered transmision woes.
Pitkat and Ruocco made contact with two lap's to go battling for lead.
Apparently Bo Gunning had a bit of meltdown after being blackflagged twice for a fluid leak and showed his displeasure behind the pit wall by doing donughts
Thank's to Ben for doing an awesome job on the results.
Hope you all enjoyed the updates, I was glad to help. Just tried to get as much right as possible.
Late models were a marathon, multiples yellows slowed the event.
There was a yellow on lap 3 involving Zach Sylvester and Brad Hietala, the scoreboard went out at that point, where they they went green for close to 30 laps. Teddy called his motor a "Pettit air compressor," showing his displeasure with Pettit power. Frank Ruocco kept looking low in turn 3 but Woody kept closing the door, and finally with 2 to go Frank got to his door, where they raced side by side into the corner, with contact being made, letting the 52 cruise to victory.
That SK race was insane! I was literally bouncing all over the place, making sure I didn't act like an arse for the final 30 laps of the feature 'cause I was hoping that Pitkat and Ruocco didn't take each other out. (Which I'm glad didn't happen...) And the only lowpoint of the race was when the scoreboard went out during the Hietala caution on the backstretch. (Really stunk. And this can be perfect for my blog.)
'Cause I'm wicked tired and need to go to bed, I'll fill you in on some of the more better moments of the night later today. This includes a history making victory and some post-night banter.
after the feature tc got into a physical altercation with pettit. i arrived moments after the scuffle and a spectator told me tc threw the first shot - i did not see it and was told that. i hope he gets banned again. how immature and unprofessional to use the mic to bash pettit and on top of the fighting in the paddock - AGAIN. it was a chicken sh_t thing to use the mic.
according to donny preece tc planned on blowing the motor because they are getting a billy motor. i wouldnt put it past tc, the motor blew on the restart. i wonder if he tragically never got it to shift from third to fourth. hmmm. the motor did blow on the restart.
the ironic part about this. the pettit motor he blew turned the fastest lap of the feature.
racing was better without him. i wish the rest of the 81 team well. they are good guys, cant say that about the driver.
the view from my end of things in the stands were like this
the dares had a very good race going green to checker without a yellow, a very good race all together... sk lights were next, although i really dont know the drivers in this divsion all i can say was the 34 had to get the hard charger award for comming thru the field twice to place in the 4th divsion.... but that 34 car was driving harder in the corners in a very unsafe matter and he could have taken out at least 2-3 cars in doing so......the late model race as was said eariler in this topic was based on survival, but the better car did win .... the LLM race was really competive and could be a real good divsion if they were to have a full field of 27 cars out there..... then to the main event, agor started on the pole, but he dropped like a rock since his primary car was junked the week before, in his backup he dropped like a rock but used this race to sort out the car, at around lap 10 the SMS scoreboard goes out and never came back on.... most interesting points of the race was bo gunning getting black flagged TWICE for leaking water, the 1st black flag he ended up getting the black /w the WHITE X <scorecard removed> he comes into the pits and the officals found nothing at 1st, crew members were going APE, appearenly the water being pushed out was when the car was at speed and not on pit road<possable head gassket issue> and he goes around the track for 2 more laps and gets black flagged again.... same result, 3 black flags and a 4th being the WHITE X , then you see bo pull behind the wall comming from the middle of turn one and go behind the wall, at that time he opts to do 1 and a half donuts in the infield, which is a NO NO because mark artue dont like donuts that ruin the grass, so we will see what becomes of this on tuesday, the crowd pleasing moment of the races in terms of the crowds reaction was TC in the 81 car as he blew up on a restart, one of the dipisa brothers were interviewed in the pits, appeartently TC never fessed up on what happeend to the car because they did not know what was wrong with it, as for me, sitting near the 1st turn the answer was right there in the exaust pipes as it was smoking and liquid was leaking, what ever happened to radio commuacation??? towards the end of the race OWR AND yours truly own STASH BUTOVA was interviewed and asked on what there stradigy was at the end of the race and he said "the car is stout and will give the a run for it<kitkat was in the lead and the eventually winner>" the finish was pretty good, with 2 laps to go rocco have kitkat all he had but he messed up in turn 3 and cost him almost 2nd in the process, but it was a very good try......
comming back into the parking lot where i stayed for about 2-3 hours after the race, i looked at my cellphone and relized OWR had called me, the 1st thing in my mind was UHHH NOOOOOOO, knowing that BEN was to call OWR i called OWR back to make sure that everyone here got there results, then it was told that it went very well, THANKS BEN!!!!!!!
well fingers are cramped at this point time for me to stop LOL