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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
According to Openwheel Corey Hutchings had quite the eventfull race in the Late Models. Apparently, Hutchings was wrecked by a lapped car while leading. The crew made repairs, and Corey spun out while trying to retake the lead.
As always a wonderful job by the two of you posting the results from the support divisions. I went on to Modseriesscene only to find out that Teddy won the Tour show, and evidently not without some controversy as it appears that there was no #66 in the top six after the checker. Maybe we can get the OWR to give us his take on the race when he stumbles home from the beer stand....heehee!
Whether you go to the track... or stay at home... Keep on Making Laps!
bratmaster wrote: I went on to Modseriesscene only to find out that Teddy won the Tour show, and evidently not without some controversy as it appears that there was no #66 in the top six after the checker.
I took a quick glance onto Mod Series Scene after I saw this, and I was reading the final five pages of live update. Lap-141: The caution comes out after Teddy and Blewett get together coming out of two. Blewett's car saw the infield via two wreckers.
Hey now! That's not very nice Brat! My one fan that I might have out there in forum land might think less of me!
Very good night of racing. The JBIII, TC battle was a good one and was shapin up to be one right down to the wire, the two made contact in the middle of turns 1 and 2 and again coming off turn 2 with JBIII (Who was on the outside) ending up in the turn 2 wall. He exited his car and headed straight for the #36 of TC has he drove by under the ensuing caution and showed his "displeasure" so you all can draw your own conclusion's from there.
SK race was decent, Jimmy Blewett and Keith Rocco put on a good side by side lead swapin battle with some contact and some smalk talk from "Showtime" on the mic in VL.
Pro Stock's were also entertaining as Astle Jr and Osullivan battled for the win with Osullivan coming out on top with a last lap pass. It was interesting to note that Osullivan was running a crate motor.
Late Model's were a heck of a race and most of the show was put on by Corey Hutchings. He got the lead and seemed on cruise control headed for the win until he was lapping a slower car going into turn 3 and the slower car erupted in smoke and drove up the track into the side of Hutchings sending him spining into the wall. The crew made repairs and after the restart he knifed thru the field to challenge for the lead but spun going for the lead on the last lap going into turn 3. This guy can flat out wheel a race car and I'm not just saying that cause i've known him for years but it's beyond me why he doesn't have ride offer's and sponsor's beating his door down.
Limited's, Larry Barnett pretty much put one on them.
Mini Stock, way to do it RG76, you go girl!
TIS Mod's, Glenn Boss get's a win in another division to add to his resume.
All in all another entertaining night of racing at the Big T.