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BOND AUTO & WIX FILTERS REUPS RESERVE CHAMPION SPONSORSHIP FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE ACT-081406-4 Waterbury, VT – The ACTion Super Series’ innovative Reserve Champion program for non- winners and its bonus point fund has been renewed by Bond Auto and Wix Filters it was announced Monday, August 14. It will be the second year of participation for the two companies. “To date, I believe that ACT is still the only Series to offer this type of program and that’s why we’re so excited about it,” declared American-Canadian Tour (ACT) President Tom Curley. He explained, “ACT is known for keeping costs under control for the competitors and for trying to make sure that the 5th through 15th place racers get a fair shake financially. We’re taking that concept to a new level. What we have with the Bond Auto/Wix Filters Reserve Championship is an insurance policy, per se, for the competitors. We’re offering a $10,000 point fund to the top 20 drivers who earn points in the “B” Feature races at each of the three $10,000 to win ACTion Super Series events. With Sanair’s Mega Classique, which drew 63 cars for 43 starting positions, already in the books, I can for see big car counts for the remaining pair of Super Series races. With a maximum of 30 cars able to start at Thunder Road, not everyone will have the opportunity to go after the big money. This program will help those drivers, who, for whatever their reason, don’t make it into the Bond Auto Labor Day Classic 200 (Sat/Sun, Sept 2-3) or the New England Dodge Dealers Milk Bowl (Sat Sept 30/Sun, Oct 1).” Quebec driver Normand Laviguer leads the standings following the first ACTion Super Series race of the season on July 9 at Quebec’s Sanair Super Speedway, a 7/8ths mile tri-oval near Montreal. Eric Chase from Milton, VT is second and New Hampshire’s Bobby Baillargeon is third. A single point separates each driver in the trio from the other. “The Reserve Champion opportunity seemed like a perfect complement to our involvement at Thunder Road’s Labor Day Classic weekend,” Bond Auto Marketing vice president Mark Mast said. “Even though the race teams who will participate in September’s ACTion Super Series races are dedicated to the sport, they might not make the feature races. But they’ll put in just as much effort as those who do – and they should be rewarded for that effort.” Wix Filters, founded in 1939, is dedicated to producing the best-performing, most reliable filters for a variety of applications including oil, engine air, fuel, coolant, transmission and hydraulic filters, among others. Bond Auto distributes Wix Filters through its Barre, VT Warehouse to over 30 stores in Vermont and New Hampshire. -30- Contact: Marjorie Mulligan Fay 802-244-6963 E-mail: marjorieatact@aol.com 802-238-1200/cell OR Marjorie@acttour.com