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hendrick motorsports must really feel like there getting free passes to get out of jail..... ummm i mean the lucky dawg??? ummm nevermind its almost the same thing
3 lucky dawgs for jeff gordon at indy, 5 lucky dawg for kyle busch THATS 8 FREE PASSES AND HIGHWAY ROBBERY
nascar needs to re-examine this rule, they should alter it or get rid of the lucky dawg completely.... FREEZE THE FIELD, if your behind the leader its your OWN TOUGH LUCK..... man oh man im pulling my hair out over this
When we were running Hooters Cup the rule was no racing back to the yellow. If you were racing the leader at the time and he was in the process of lapping you within the lap when the yellow came out you got the spot back and went back on the lead lap. If he had passed you and the lap before you were the 1st car a lap down. That was fair. No pitting and losing 5 laps and finishing 5th with out passing the leader and field 5 times. NASCAR is girlie racing. At the tracks around your the lucky dog just to be running at the finish, never mind be on the lead lap
in my eyes making up 5 laps like that is really stupid, cars break down.. and if you were ment to be 5 laps down then so be it,
what kyle busch did in the garage area yesterday, i could have been in my house picking my nose and comming up with the same results, does it make a difference????
Man, do I not like that lucky dog rule either. I always wonder what Earnhardt Sr would have thought of the rule, or what guy's like Yarborough or Pearson think of it.
you must have a big nose to keep 5 dogs up there, and why would they be lucky to be up there?
No seriously, racing is skill + being prepared + luck. If you bring something to the track and it breaks why should you get rewarded with being given your laps back? The other guys out there that did not break get screwed because of it. If they are going to have the Lucky Dog rule it should be because you were passed on the track, not in the pits for an extended repair. The whole intent of the rule was safety of not racing back to the yellow when cars may be in harms way not to reward someone for breaking.
Open, I remember the old days when those old timers you mentioned would race their way back from 3 laps down under the green. The last one I remember is Bill Elliott at Dega coming back from 2 1/2 laps or almost 6 miles behind to win under the green. That is big dog not lucky dog.
if i remember...... that winston 500 in 1985 your talking about bill eilliot came back from 2 laps down was run 160 laps caution free<1st 160 laps that is> the 1 yellow came out within the next 10 laps, but was on the lead lap at the 1st yellow.......
I think if you are going to have the "Lucky Dog", which the men in Daytona created so it's here for good, then you should get it once only.
You do not get 5-points everytime you lead a lap, so why do you get a lap back everytime you are the first car one lap down. Losing a lap was once a penalty, now it is just a reason to get fresh tires and wait for the next caution.
I also think the "Lucky Dog" creates some uneccessary chaos between lapped cars. Three-wide for the first car on the lead lap is just plain stupid. It is even worse when one of the cars is a fast car who lost a lap, battling two ill handling cars.
Just my opinion.