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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Like him or not, what are your thoughts on the Pit road violation?
While I understand they should have known pit road should be closed on the 1st lap of a yellow, the light is so close to the line I believe he may not have seen it. NASCAR should announce over the radio when they close it so the teams can react, move the light lower and back from the line or change the light as soon as they throw the yellow.
Bad deal, but they should have known it would be closed.
I think he got screwed because of the lights location. He was too far into pitroad before the light came on to get back onto the track. So even if he rolled through he would have pitted as the last car on the lead lap on the next lap when most the field was still on the same lap.
That was a heck of a comeback by both him and J Gordon though. At least until Boris got tired of Newman in the inner loop.
Hey Warren, how you doing? Hope you and the misses are well. Congrats on the win this weekend.
Yeah, he did do well coming back, wish he had an in-car camera, lol. Must have been something. I agree, the light and line need to give them room to see it and react. But they were trying to pull a fast one and got caught.
Man, HMS should open a kennel with all them lucky dogs he has acquired the last two weekd. I am not a fan of the lucky dog for just the reason the last 2 weeks have shown. Two cars broke, went to pit road and lost laps to get repaired and then because no one is laps down they get rewarded with getting back on the lead lap and top ten finishes? That aint right, you broke you deserve to be down laps. Anit fair to the huys that didn't break and brought good cars. There is no way they would have made their laps under the old system unless the leader let them go uncontested and they better be fast enough to not hold up the leader once they got ahead.