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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Bill Elliot will replace Jeremey Mayfield in the Evernham Motorsports #19 at Watkins Glen this weekend. Here is a link to the full story from NASCAR.com.
Like Sunoco 260 threw the dump can, so go the laps of their lives, it's just another twist of fate in the soap opera of NASCAR affectionately known as 'As The Lugnut Turns'.
The latest update shows Elliott will not be allowed a past Champs provisional:
UPDATE - No Champ Provisional Allowed? NASCAR's official entry list Tuesday showed Elliott subbing for Mayfield, and the team later released a statement confirming the switch. It said Mayfield's long-term future with Evernham is undecided - but his name had been removed from the company letterhead. "This team has a great deal of potential and we just haven't met the expectations this year," car owner Ray Evernham said in a statement. "We will do whatever we need to get this car in the show for Watkins Glen. It's important to our sponsors and it's important to this team." That meant putting Elliott in the car because as a former NASCAR champion, he should have been assured a spot in the field. But in a statement released on Wednesday, Evernham Motorsports said, ""Unfortunately the timing was such that NASCAR will not provide us with the provisional."(FoxSports/Associated Press)(8-9-2006)
Must be because it aint a HMS car, lol. but the funny thing is you are replacing Mayfield who should be running a Toyota next year with a guy that has run Chevys this year for a team that will be Toyota next year and he may be driving for, and hoping for his Past Champ Provisional he got while driving for Ford, trying to salvage the season of a car sponsored by Dodge!!! Wow, like I said before, "As the Lugnut Turns"!
Spd, you almost accomplished something that has never been done before.......Making my head spin more then it does after reading one of Scott's post's...........lol.
Mean while, it appears to be official, From Jayski:
Mayfield out..totally at Evernham? hearing Evernham Motorsports has released #19 driver Jeremy Mayfield from driving duties for the rest of the season, no word if the contract situation has been resolved if he has been released....or if he will drive again this season in the Cup series.(8-10-2006)
Now maybe he can take over for the guy that is taking over for him and help the other Dodge team develope that Chevy #00 team so they can run Toyota's next year.
openwheelracer wrote: Spd, you almost accomplished something that has never been done before.......Making my head spin more then it does after reading one of Scott's post's...........lol.
hahahah 1 more person to do that will make OWR pull every grey hair out of his head
im not surprised about mayfield being released from the 19 when scott riggs hinted during a interview <400 qual> and scott riggs said "we hoping to help out the khane team" and it was almost like mayfield did not exist, and now we know why, LET THE SILLY SEASON BEGIN!!!!!
Lets see.... Mayfield should get the better end of it as the #38 is twice the #19, but he still may have to share the ride with Gililand, but he may not run many races as he may want to keep his ROY status for '07, and what about the possibility of Sadler having to share seat time with Elliott, if he has signed a deal with Nevermindham to fill in for the races he isn't signed to drive the #00 & team Red Bull! Wow, it's all starting to make sense