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I'm hoping someone can help me out. I want to run in the Outlaw Limited division at the World series this fall. I have no idea what rear end gear I will need.
I've noticed the gear rule for the Limiteds is 4.56 or numerically lower, and the Late models must run between 4.68 and 5.14.
I'm guessing that since my car is more (not quite) like a Late model, and i'll be running softer tires than the regular Limiteds, i'd want to run a gear closer to what the Late models are running. I don't really want to turn my engine any more than 6500rpm, and don't want it to be too numb of fthe corner.
Can anybody give me some idea of where I can find out this info or who I should call. Are there any other forums that racers from Thompson frequent
Anon, it has been about 10 years since I worked on a then Strictly Stock division car so this could be totally bogus info since there engine rules have changed a bit since back then but the hot set up in those day's was a 3.42 rear end gear and a 1.50 ratio tranny. Now like I said this could be old outdated info but I would suggest if you can, going to Thompson and asking some of the competitor's for some tip's. Guy's like Larry Barnett, and Keith Decantis maintain their own stuff and are very knowledgable and approachable, I hope this help's and good luck.
That's good info. Thank you for the reply. I've never been to Thompson for a weekly race, but I may try to go before the World Series to talk to some of the competitors. Maybe somebody else will reply also. Thanks again!
Another thing I should have mentioned Anon, is to contact the track and see if they have a contact # for the LS tech inspector. As far as I know Todd Stiles is still the LS tech man and he has always been very willing to help out competitor's with info and such.
Super! They may have just posted the outlaw rules this week. I did call Mike Kun and chatted with him for a few minutes. He was very helpful. Thank you to everybody for helping me out.
I want to thank you guys again for the help. I ended up putting in a set of 4.88's, I think they were just about right. I finished 2nd in the outlaw strictly race to the 116. We all had a super time all weekend! It was quite an experience especially since the latgest track i've previously raced on is just over half the size of Thompson. Thanks again!
Chris congrat's on the impressive finish, an glad you enjoyed runnin the Big T. Glad we could help out in any way.
I've been to your home track of Beech Ridge as crew member on a then BGNN team, an also with a WMT team and its a nice facility and it's a quick, tough short track to get around.