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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Was it just me, or was this race like watching pratice for hours. This may be a prestigous event, but it is certainly not exciting.
Great call by Tony Eury Jr. I think the only time the crowd was into this "snoozer", other than the original green flag and restarts, was when Jr. took the lead from Kyle Busch.
Just my opinion. -WMT-
WMT, believe me, it is worse being there than it is watching it on TV in between commericals. Rodney Danger field would have been quoted as saying: 'I get no respect, I was watching a TV commerical marathon and a race broke out!' Glad I went golfing and taped it so I could watch a condensed version in 1.5 hours.
Kasey Kahne is whinning that if a yellow had been thrown for Biffle & R. Gordon that he would not have crashed racing Stewart. He was under him, over his head and got loose and crashed. I could see if he got taken out or something else beyond his control happened but he said he got loose and crashed. Nascar said Biffle and Gordon were still moving and out of the racing groove so no need for a yellow. But on the other side of the coin, Johnson got a very quick yellow when he was on the bottom of the back chute and his tire was coming apart out of the racing groove! Oh well, and people say NASCAR is not consistent!