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UPDATE: Race driver Jeff Purvis was expected to be released from a Nashville hospital Sunday night and taken to his home in Clarksville for continued treatment of injuries sustained in a crash Saturday night on I-65 in Alabama. A Vanderbilt University Hospital spokeswoman said Purvis was listed as "a no-information" patient and could not give an update on his condition. Attempts to contact family members were unsuccessful.(Tennessean)(8-7-2006)
Latest on Purvis: Jeff Purvis is now at his Clarksville, TN home to begin the recovery process after being seriously injured in a highway accident on Saturday near Cullman, AL. Purvis, who competes with the StormPay.com Dirt Late Model Series, was visited today by series Founder and Director Mike Vaughn. "Jeff is now at home, sitting up and in good spirits," Vaughn reported. "He has fractures of his C1, and C5 vertebra in his neck, compression fractures of the T2 and T6 vertebra in his back, a separated sternum, and he has a gash in his head that took 24 staples to close. He has seen pictures of the aftermath of the accident and he's very thankful that no one lost their life in the accident." Purvis, his wife Margo, his son Clay, crew chief Matt Angel, and crewmembers Rocky Angel and Ben Britt were traveling in his race team's transporter on Saturday from Clarksville to the StormPay.com Dirt Late Model event at Talladega Short Track in Eastaboga, AL. The transporter blew a left-front tire while traveling southbound on I-65 near Cullman, AL at 3:15 p.m., swerved across the median into the northbound lane, struck another car, and then hit the guardrail before overturning in a ditch. The six occupants of the transporter vacated the vehicle just seconds before it caught fire, and became engulfed in flames. The transporter then burned to the ground, destroying everything inside, including the race car, and all of the parts and equipment. Purvis was airlifted to the local Cullman hospital where his injuries were diagnosed, and then he was airlifted Saturday evening to Vanderbilt University Hospital where he was seen by his doctor that treated him after life-threatening injuries suffered in a NASCAR Busch Grand National race in 2002 at Nazareth, PA. Other than Purvis, the rest of the people in the transporter, and the occupants of the other vehicle involved in the accident were treated and released at a Cullman, AL hospital with minor injures. "The doctors say he will now have a six to eight month healing process," Vaughn said. "Jeff did want me to relate how thankful he is for everyone's thoughts and prayers over the last few days. Jeff did ask me when the next race was, but it is very premature to give any thought to what lays ahead racing-wise for Jeff." Those desiring to send get well wishes to Jeff Purvis may do so by E-mail at www.stormpayracing.com, or by regular mail in care of StormPay Racing, 1690 Golf Club Lane, Clarksville, TN 37043. See more at stormpayracing.com.(8-9-2006)