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seem to remember they let some other sk lights slide on frame height and weights from about 3-4 weeks back. they decide to clamp down now or is the 29 singled out?
After the fiasco with the 34 SK Light going over the scales over 10 times in order to "get it right" and letting him pass, the 29 is absolutely being singled out, especially over a 1/16".
I didn't make it to tech so I don't have any first hand knowledge but....from the drivers' meeting the officials have said that they will try as much as they can to get a car to pass tech within the rules. That's probably why they rescaled the 34 so many times as well as Woody previously this year. I did hear that they pulled out the rule book and had the #29 add a lb. of air and were really trying to get the gauge to fit. I think the #20 was dq'd a couple of weeks ago for frame height also. Not sure though. It's an unfortunate mistake that can happen to anyone. Haven't heard anything on the engine seals but IMO - the 70 and 29 both have the cars hooked up and are running good times. I'm just hoping to get there myself.
Changes have been made to the official finishing order's in the SK, SK Lite, and Dare Stock feature event's. Click on the link below from Staffordmotorspeedway.com: