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The Saturday night racing will continue through 2027 at Winston-Salem’s Bowman Gray Stadium. A new contract extension has been signed between the City of Winston-Salem through the Winston-Salem Public Assembly Facilities Commission and Winston-Salem Speedway, operators of the track. Bowman Gray Stadium is NASCAR’s longest running weekly race track, currently in their 58th racing season.
Promoter, Gray Garrison said, “We’re very pleased with our family’s long standing relationship with the City of Winston-Salem and NASCAR and excited about our family continuing these relationships for the next 20 years. We look forward to continuing to bring the Winston-Salem area the highest quality of reasonably priced family entertainment.”
NASCAR’s George Silbermann said, “Bowman Gray Stadium is a very important race track, both from a long-standing historical standpoint and as we look to the future of NASCAR-sanctioned racing on the east coast. Bowman Gray represents the core of what NASCAR racing is all about. We are proud of our association with the management team of Dale and Johnnie Pinilis and Gray and Pam Garrison. NASCAR recognizes and appreciates their knowledge, experience and expertise at successfully promoting professional motor racing.”
Bucky Dame, Director of the Winston-Salem Entertainment-Sports Complex reiterated, “On behalf of the Public Assembly Facilities Commission and the staff, we are very happy this great tradition will continue. Our long standing relationship with speedway management has breeded success for 58 years and we look forward to the next 20 years. While the track is legendary, the weekly racing is part of the fabric of our community and an integral ingredient of professional sports and entertainment in Winston-Salem and the Piedmont Triad. Bowman Gray Stadium is truly the birthplace of what is NASCAR today.”
The flat, quarter-mile asphalt track is known for close racing action and a deep tradition that goes back to 1949. Fonty Flock won the first NASCAR event at the stadium on May 18, 1949. Bowman Gray Stadium has hosted NASCAR Grand National and Modified events throughout its long history. NASCAR staged 29 Grand National events at the stadium from 1958 to 1971. Winners during that period reads like a “Who’s Who” list of racing legends, including Richard Petty, Lee Petty, Junior Johnson, Glen Wood, David Pearson, Rex White and Bobby Allison.
Earlier this season, Modified driver Junior Miller broke the Bowman Gray Stadium record by posting his 65th win in a Modified. The record had belonged to Ralph Brinkley for 16 years. Miller is a five-time Bowman Gray Champion. The current record of eight belongs to Brinkley.