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A subject that just will not go away is the debate over Time Trials or heat races. I personally prefer Heat Races, as the sport is called "racing' not "time trialing". But many fans feel Time Trials seperate the Whelen tour from the others.
I have come up with an idea to satisfy everyone. The Whelen Tour should adopt the qualifying system used by the World of Outlaws. Time Trial laps are used to determine starting positions for Dash Races. The Dash Races then determine your starting position in the main event. We could also do away with the meaningless Bud Pole Award. With the current re-draw system on the Tour, the fastest qualifier VERY SELDOM actually starts on the pole. Budweiser would instead pay a Bonus to the winner of each dash race.
I know this would add to the length of programs, but I also have an answer for that. NO track that host a ONE DAY Whelen Tour event should have more than two support divisions. This would not only help with length of the program, but also with the amount of money the track is paying out on that particular evening. I do not believe any true racefan would complain about seeing more actuall racing.
These are just more of my crazy ideas. Take them for what you will. -WMT-
I personally think time trials are Borrrrring. I never watch them unless a car I am working on is out there. Run 30 lap heats or something and like you said, pay the winners out of the Busch Pole Award. I like the Cup impound races because at least you have an idea of how everyone is running in race trim not a one lap bonzi run. I would Bet Newman would trade all his poles for race wins. I remember years back when the mod tour would run time trials & heat races only to redraw! It seemed like a waste of time to run both time trials & heats.
At a track in WI where I helped a friend, they record the lap times during the practices and the fastest gets a few points, then they pay a few points for the heat wins and then feature race points. At least that makes it worth the time and effort and the practices & heat racing has more meaning to the results and rewards the hard work. One night he went from second in points, then got the lead following practice, then back to second after the heat races and the back to the lead after the feature race. That made it much more exciting and you work harder all night cause there is a reward.
Ahh the old point's for heat races. I'm sure you remember back in the Farmer's "hay" day Spd when they paid points for the top finishers in the heats at the Bowl. They definitely were exciting to watch, but boy could they turn in to some real "blood bath's"
LOL Spd. Yeah those heat races were something else. Exciting for the fans, but quite annoying for the drivers and crews. Way too many body panels flying for a couple points.
Yeah, but fans like excitment and there were more cars & more fans back then. The gold old days, lol. Hope it returns in the near future.
Pinnacle Pete reported having the best cheese burger ever at the bowl Saturday night. He said he almost fell over when they asked him if he wanted lettuce & tomato on it. It was so good he had a second. That is enchoraging, lol.
well i pick heats over the time trials becuase for 1 reason , it does prevent most people getting bored and heading out to the car or camper and getting hammered and then you have to deal with them pouring beer on the back of your necks..... naw just kidding
i just think TTs are like watching my front yard grass grow, and theres sometimes no point in iit<everyone makes it anyways> but if there is a large turnout, why not have like a twin 50s or something like that the day before the race, heats on the other hand is not a bad idea since you have to race your way into the show, and mostly the field is going to be scrambled enough where you really dont know whos the fastest car<TTs>
The problems with Twin 50's the day before is some teams race other tracks, it costs more for all, Track needs to pay help and rescue crew, admission for crews and fans and tires, fuel, etc... So unless it is one of the big shows it would not work out.
Oh and Scott, if you turn your head fast enough, you can catch it in your mouth instead of running down your back, lol.
I have seen some very interesting comment on this topic. Seems to me the majority of people have one of two opinions.
1. Get rid of Time Trials all together. OR
2. Continue Time Trials but ALWAYS have a "B" Main.
I like the "B" Main idea, BUT, it will not be a last chance race. Noone would advance to the "A" main. This would be a completely seperate event. This might help eliminate some of the over aggressive driving seen in the past "Hooligans" races, where drivers did ANYTHING necessary to gain one of the final transfer spots.
Just my opinion. -WMT-
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 18:53, 2006-08-01
they have had the b main on serveral occations, i can remember they did that for a tour race at sms and it was nothing but a crashfest, 17 cars going for 3 spots and it took foreverrrrrrrrrrr
better way to have a problem fixed is to run the heats, and have like 2 consis that are the same amout of laps is the heat races<8 laps> and if for some reason a past champoin does not make it, then he will have whats called IMO "a past chumps provinsional" lol
Yes Scott, I worked on a car in that race you are speaking of. We almost made the show, one-lap down with the right-side nerf bar pointing to the moon and the oil coooler duct taped to the car.
BUT, I had allready stated they would NOT have any transfer spots. thos races were LAST CHANCE QUALIFIERS. I am talking about a race for the drivers who did not qualify only, with noone gaining entry to the main event.