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Bowyer not satisfied with Stewart 'apology': #07-Clint Bowyer said Friday he and #20-Tony Stewart had talked about their incident at Pocono Raceway last weekend, but Bowyer didn't sound like he was satisfied with the discussion. Stewart bumped Bowyer on lap 32 of the Pennsylvania 500 after what Stewart later described was a lack of patience on Bowyer's part. On Monday, Stewart issued an apology to the media, but Bowyer said his talk with Stewart didn't seem like an apology. "I don't know exactly what you'd want to call it," Bowyer said. "I don't know if Tony knows what an apology is. It's probably as close as you're going to get with Tony." Bowyer didn't speak with the media at Pocono, leaving the garage area after also failing to talk with Stewart. But Bowyer did speak his mind to reporters at Gateway. "We drove from 14th to sixth in the first run, in 12 laps," Bowyer said. "It wasn't like we didn't have a fast car. It's a very long race. We over-adjusted a little bit and got the car too loose. I basically was giving spots up. I gave away four before him. I moved over to let him have it, but instead of going to the inside, he went to the outside. I guess he thought I was racing him. That's the biggest thing about the whole thing: I was trying to get out of his way. Somehow, he took it the wrong way and wrecked me for it."(SceneDaily.com)(7-30-2006)