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Better know as Richie Evans "The Rapid Roman", Richard Ernest Evans was born July 23rd 1941. His racing career began in 1962 with the Hobby Cars at Utica-Rome Speedway, driving car #PT-109. In 1965 Richie moved up to the Modified division, claiming his first career victory in the seasons final race. In 1973 Evans worked nearly one-hundred hours a week maintaining two Modified race cars. The effort would reward the 32-year-old driver with his first NASCAR Modified National Championship. This would be the first of nine total NASCAR Modified National Championships, including a record eight straight from 1978-1985. Evans won the first ever NASCAR Modified Tour Championship in 1985, despite being fataly injured in a practice crash at the seasons final event. He was fourty-four.
In his career Richie won over four-hundred races at tracks from Quebec to Florida. Records indicate he has victories at thirty-seven different tracks in thirteen states and provinces. In 1979 Evans started 60 NASCAR races winning thirty-seven, and finishing in the Top Five fifty-four times. In 1983 he had sixty-eight starts winning thirty-one, and took fifty seven Top Fives. Richie was a twenty-six time Track Champion at eleven different tracks, in four different states. Here is a look at his amazing records.