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Waltrip still looking for a driver: Michael Waltrip speculated that while some driver changes for 2007 are done but not announced, he has not solidified who would drive his #00 Burger King/Domino's Toyota next season. Waltrip said Friday that #19-Jeremy Mayfield is still among those high on his list to join himself and Dale Jarrett in the Michael Waltrip Racing stable next season. "I had hoped that we could have something done already, but hopefully when we go to Indy [in two weeks], we'll have something that we can announce one way or another on the driver of the 00 car," Waltrip said. Speculation has Mayfield leaving Evernham Motorsports for MWR, while Elliot Sadler - who has announced he is leaving Robert Yates Racing but not announced his 2007 destination - could replace Mayfield at Evernham. Waltrip had to catch himself to make sure he was saying the right things about Mayfield. "He's somebody that we're definitely interested in and now that he's available," Waltrip said before smiling and saying, "Let me say that again: If he becomes available, then we definitely want to be the ones to have a chance to talk to him." Waltrip said he believes Sadler already knows where he's going although Sadler said he has nothing inked for next year. "I think a lot of the deals probably are already done and people say stuff like that [they're looking] to lead y'all down [another] path," Waltrip said. "For sure, mine is not done. Hopefully soon."(SceneDaily.com)(7-23-2006)