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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
Interesting, X-Modifieds: 1. James Civali, Meriden in the #03
I wonder if this is the same Civali that runs the WMT? I thought this was for beginers not visiting touring racers to get track time? If it is a different James Civali then pay no attention to my rant.
You Know Spd, that was the first thought that came to my mind as well but, here is an excerpt from the X Mod rule book:
No current active Modified or Late Model drivers who campaign a car on Saturday nights will be eligible. Driver eligibility will be subject to management approval.
Civali isn't currently an active Saturday night competitor, and in reading the second part about eligibility being subject to managment's approval and this being the Bowl were talking about..............
Wel although it stinks for the weekly X-modified guys, you have to give Civalli credit. Found the "loop-hole" and got himself some invaluable track time. With the new TEC compound he will be one a a very few of the Whelen Tour drivers to have had any laps on the track since it was applied. I have to say smart move.
I understand your point and somewhat agree but it is even worse than Buschwacking. He drives a pro touring division and comes and takes the $25 that Terry pays the beginners for what 20-25 laps of track time! Why not rent the track like the real pros do.
I agree with your point Spd about taking away from the regular competitor's in that division, but I will say that the #03 car Civali drove is owned an drivin weekly in that division by Scott Fearn. The interesting thing to me is, that the X Mod's run on used WMT tires and with the WMT at the Bowl this Saturday and with team's going the whole distance on tires it could prove to be some valuable practice for him.
The x-mod division is a beginners division. To me this means no one that has driven any kind of modified now or in the recent past in regular shows should be eligible to run this division. I had never driven any kind of a car before this year when I brought my 20 year old x-mod to Waterford. I had a good time the first 6 weeks or so driving against guys somewhat in the same league and experience level as myself, most were faster, but that's to be expected. The 2 and 69 cars were fast from the start and they should be, they have a year or two in these cars, no problem there. When the 49 showed up last month and started last his first race and was leading in four laps, I wondered how come he's a second a lap faster than every other car? Then he also won the next two races from the last row, three for three. That tells me he's got twenty times the experience of everyone else, or they're cheating. I don't think they're cheating in any way at all, he's just a much more seasoned driver than the rest. I had a friend ask James to drive my car last night and I informed the track beforehand. He met the rules last night and his experience showed. If anybody shows up with a driver that meets the rules and he isn't allowed to run, why are other people who have driven for 15-20 years okay?
Scott I would like to say welcome aboard, and that it is very nice that we can get information from the proper source... the people involved. About the only thing that could make it any better is for someone from the Speedbowl and James himself to comment.
Once again welcome aboard, and thanx for giving an insiders view. -WMT-
Yes, welcome Scott. Thanks for your explaination. I just think they have a loop hole in the rules as it should be a beginners league to help promote new blood in our beloved sport. I helped a friens the first couple years and even back then there were ringers.