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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
White Plains, NY- With the humidity finally gone we traveled back to New York to Catskill Mountain Speedwayas the AllStar Race Trucks made their first appearance after being rained out in early June. The grand stands filled in early and the pits were door to door from the moment they opened as seven divisions made up the night's roster. We could not have asked for better racing conditions as the trucks practiced on this narrow yet fast paced track.
The trucks ran two caution free heats with Tony Naglieri taking the first honors and John St. Germain claiming the second. The fan reaction was so charged that we couldn't help but anticipate the feature ourselves. I wasn't sure where the excitement was higher, sitting in the stands or the crews in the pits - but it was truly electrifying.
The track held outside introductions as the trucks filled the entire front stretch. With each introduction the racing bug bit everyone, you just couldn't resist getting caught up in this turbo charged lightning that sent a shiver down your spine. The trucks circled in single file for a "wave" lap as the track starter motioned for them to cross over to take the green. Point leader Chris Correll had to give up the pole position as the truck he qualified fell to mechanical problems. Chris took the seat in the #76 of Austill and would have to take the green as the caboose. New pole sitter Andy Lindeman quickly jumped out front with the field in tow. The caution flag flew as Duval tagged the rear bumper of Lindeman sending both drivers to the rear of the pack. The restart was a four-truck shoot out coming out of turn four. The trucks notorious roar brought fans back to their feet. As the trucks began to shuffle and trade places like the New York stock exchange, they drove outside, inside and at one time three wide on this very narrow oval. Curt Tori took the lead (coming from sixth position) and Singer followed him through falling short on laps and had to settle for second. Duval battled his way from the tail end to finish third with truck rookie John St. Germain on his bumper.
The top ten were: Tori, Singer, Duval, St. Germain, Lindeman, Correll, Naglieri, Cowan, Carrigg, and Chriss.
Tori pulled into victory lane to a crowd of cheering fans. Curt thanked his sponsors Schneider trailer & container, Berman Freightliner, and Timberland. He also thanked his crew for a great truck and the track for a great place to run.
The ARTS travel back up to the White Mountains to heat up the asphalt at Monadnock Speedway on August 12. The calendar shows a full moon on the rise so you might want to catch this race for sure. August 15 we'll be at Stafford Speedway look for all the details in our press release. Like I say week after week this series is growing and growing fast, the competition is getting hotter if you have any questions on how to own/or drive one of these awesome race trucks please contact ARTS Eastern Director/Dealer Bob Gelsi at Bob-44@comcast.net or 856-696-8782. Any question for the drivers email us at ARTSracing@snet.net. Till it thunders -safe racing.