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Now with all that out of the way.....Let's make some laps!
LOUDON, N.H. -- Mike Olsen led only one lap of Friday’s New England 125 Busch East Series race at New Hampshire International Speedway.
But that’s all it took.
After starting fifth on the 40-car grid, Olsen set up a last lap pass in turn three of the final lap to take over the lead and earn an emotional victory in which he dedicated to his legendary grandfather, Stanley “Stub” Fadden. Fadden was a fan-favorite in the Busch North Series, and is recovering from a stroke he had last year. Olsen’s winning “Little Trees” Chevrolet was originally a car driven by Fadden.
The win marked Olsen’s first at New Hampshire International Speedway and his sixth career win overall.
“I’m super, super happy to do this,” Olsen said after the race. “This is pretty special to me. I couldn’t even do a good burnout – I was just too emotional.”
Olsen’s late-race charge began at lap 114 when he made a run on Eddie MacDonald for second place in turn four. Olsen had about a two second gap to close up between himself and leader Sean Caisse, but only four laps later, Olsen was all over Caisse with his “Little Trees” Chevrolet.
Olsen began looking for a way around the leader – first trying the low line, and then the high. Time and time again, Caisse was able to anticipate his moves and shut the door on Olsen’s advances.
With time running out, Olsen tried the bottom once again in turn three of the final lap. This time, his challenges were successful.
“On that last lap, I tried to go to the bottom and I got pinched down so I went to the outside and he followed me up. I knew he was tight so I tried it again and he wasn’t able to keep it to the bottom,” Olsen explained.
Olsen’s victory also extended his point lead as the season reached the halfway mark. Olsen now leads Sean Caisse by 54 points and third-place driver Matt Kobyluck by 151 points.
“I just have to thank my entire crew – especially my crew chief Harry Norcross. All of them are extremely dedicated and committed to this team and I couldn’t have done it without all their hard work,” Olsen concluded.