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Tony Stewart Foundation Donates another $1 Million for Victory Junction: #20-Tony Stewart today announced his foundation's second donation of $1 million to the Victory Junction Gang Camp. Located in Randleman, N.C., the Victory Junction Gang Camp is dedicated to creating empowering experiences for children with chronic or life-threatening illnesses. The camp was founded by Kyle and Pattie Petty in memory of their son Adam. This is Stewart's third major contribution to the Victory Junction Gang Camp, with his first donation having come in 2001 thanks to the collective efforts of Stewart, The Home Depot, Target Chip Ganassi Racing and Joe Gibbs Racing. When Stewart competed in both the Indianapolis 500 and the Coca-Cola 600, he pledged $100 for every lap he completed, with The Home Depot, Target Chip Ganassi Racing and Joe Gibbs Racing each matching Stewart's donation. And after completing all 600 laps, $240,000 was raised for the Victory Junction Gang Camp. In November of 2003, the Tony Stewart Foundation pledged $1 million to the Victory Junction Gang Camp. The Foundation met that goal by hosting benefit concerts at the Luther F. Carson Four Rivers Center in Paducah, Ky., and by staging the Nextel Prelude to the Dream - a dirt track race among Nextel Cup drivers at the Stewart-owned Eldora Speedway in Rossburg, Ohio. This year's Nextel Prelude to the Dream was originally scheduled for June 7, but rain postponed it to Sept. 6. Nonetheless, drivers such as Dale Earnhardt Jr., Ryan Newman, Denny Hamlin and J.J. Yeley will join Prelude veterans Petty, Harvick, Kenseth, Labonte and others in raising even more money for the Victory Junction Gang Camp. Stewart now has cumulative unrestricted donations totaling over $2 million to the Victory Junction Gang Camp. He is a founding member of the Victory Junction Gang Camp, along with the Pettys, actor Paul Newman and the Bahre family - owners of New Hampshire International Speedway.(Tony Stewart Foundation PR)(7-14-2006)
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 14:46, 2006-07-14