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Elliott Sadler has until Saturday to tell Robert Yates whether he plans to stay and drive the No. 38 M&M's Ford. With Dale Jarrett and UPS leaving at the end of the year, RYR might have to fill two seats, maybe three if CitiFinancial--which sponsors Sadler's RYR Busch car--moves to Cup in 2007. Two drivers on Yates' shortlist are Ward Burton and Stephen Leicht, who tested with Yates last Tuesday at Kentucky and has made tremendous gains on the Busch circuit in the CitiFinancial car. Having a vet such as Burton to mentor Leicht would expedite the rookie's adjustment to Cup. According to William Clements, director of sponsorships and sports marketing for Masterfoods USA, which makes M&M's: The company is "150 percent committed to Yates" and has every intention of completing its contract that runs through 2008
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 11:31, 2006-07-14