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While it's great for promoting the tour, think of how great the teams going home think it is. The two NHIS shows are one of if not the biggest tour shows of the year for modified teams and drivers.
Bushwacking is one thing, Modified tour stealing is a whole other deal.
Good question Annon, this is my OPINION on the situtation.
ALL drivers that came to New Hampshire knew that Tony and Carl would be there, so it is not like they stole anything. They had to earn their way into the field just like any other driver would. This is a VERY different situation than "Buschwacking". Most "Buschwackers" are driving cars from their NEXTEL Cup Series Shops, or cars with NEXTEL Cup affiliations. In the case of Tony and Carl driving Modifieds it is totally different. In this case THEY are the ones with the disadvantage.
I do feel for the drivers that will not be competing, but I do not in any way find it unfair. Nor, do I think money is being taken from other teams. There also were a few more cars scheduled to compete at NHIS, so drivers would have gone home even without Carl and Tony.
The exposure being gained for the Whelen Modified Tour this weeken is invaluable. There is not one website or racing publication, that covers NASCAR, that has failed to mention the Whelen Modified Tour.
Next race it will be back to normal. and guess what, even without Tony and Carl guys will be going home. It is part of racing on the Tour.
A side note to this is that the #69 of Tommy Cloce crashed in practice and was done for the weekend regardless.
I also wanted to point out that the #70 of Andy Suess would have actually been "stealing" also as he runs the True Value Modified Racing Series NOT the NASCAR Whelen Modified Tour.
I suppose it does kind of stink that team's get sent packing because Stewart and Edwards have taken two of the available spot's in the race. As WMT said though, the exposure by having them in the event however can only be a good thing though for the Mod Tour. And in all fairness they did solidly qualify there way in to the show. I definitly think if a team or team's were sent home and one or both were givin a "promoters option" of some sort to be in the race, then you would hear some "screaming".
Is it any different than when a visiting touring series runs a certain track and some track regulars attempt and often do, qualify, like Jeff Pearl and Tom Fox with the TVS at Waterford? Some of the regulars went home because the beformentioned took spots. The difference with Edwards & Stewart is the Mod Tour has been in the national news because of it. Otherwise who would even know the mods were running this weekend at NHIS?
busch wacking, truck wacking, and now we have tour wacking?????
im not sure how many cars are starting..... but i would think it would make sence to add 2 cars to the starting grid since we have "2 cup regulars" in the field...... instead of sending more tour regulars home...... heck start 46 cars at nhis, they started 50-52 cars at back in the day......
Of the cars that did not qualify, only Andy Suess in the #70 and Joseph Mongeau in the #49 would have been able to compete. The #69 of Tommy Cloce wrecked in the first practice and was done for the weekend.
Suess was also an "invader' as he competes with the True Value Modified Racing Series.
And in a twist of fate, Steve Whitt is driving the Mongeau #49 as he had problems with his own #06 in the final practice.
So in a way, ALL the Whelen Tour drivers ARE competing. I do feel for both Mongeau and Suess, but at any Whelen Tour race some guys are sent home.
As for adding cars, that is something that just can not happen. The entry forms CLEARLY state how many cars will start EVERY event on the Tour.
-- Edited by WhelenModifiedTour at 13:49, 2006-07-15