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“True Value Modifieds Ready To Rumble At Monadnock”
In keeping with the tradition of an outstanding fireworks show, one of the best in the state of New Hampshire, Monadnock Speedway will add to the excitement and color of the Independence Day holiday weekend by hosting the “Rolling Thunder” of the True Value Modified Racing Series, as part of their “Firecracker Night 2006” celebration. The main event, 100 laps of green flag racing, preceded by popular and competitive qualifying heats to establish the feature race lineup, takes place this Saturday July 1st at the Winchester, NH Speedway. This will be the third of five scheduled races this season at the high banked facility. The race and fireworks show annually draws large crowds and this event should be no different.
In the tours two previous stops at Monadnock, in April and May, defending champion Kirk Alexander, W.Swanzey, NH and Ascutney, VT veteran Dwight Jarvis have visited victory lane. The Monadnock races have been the only events run in their entirety this season as rain has affected scheduled dates at Seekonk, Star, Waterford, Canaan and Lee. The Seekonk and Star races were complete washouts while the Waterford and Canaan events were shortened by curfew after a rain delay and lengthy track drying process. The Waterford and Canaan races were official events with rookie Bobby Grigas winning the 53 lap Waterford race a week ago while veteran Les Hinckley nabbed the win in the 92 lap race at Canaan May 6.
The Lee race was stopped by persistent rain showers during qualifying and that program will be continued Tuesday July 18th in conjunction with the ACT tour at Lee, NH.
As the drivers and teams head into the holiday weekend, the point standings are close for the top spot with only two points (264-262) separating Danbury, CT driver Ed Dachenhausen and Dwight Jarvis. Kirk Alexander sits third with 242, Jimmy Kuhn.Jr. fourth, 234, and Rob Goodenough, fifth, with 228 points. Dale Evonsion, Andy Seuss, Jack Bateman, Gary Casella, and Dave Berube make up the top ten in the standings.
With the month of July closing in, comes exciting events planned by series founder Jack Bateman. In addition to the program this weekend at Monadnock, the tour travels to Lee on Friday night, July 7, for the All-Star 100, a race that has been on Lee’s schedule for several seasons but since the inception of the TVMRS has become a tour date for the series. On Friday night July 14, the tour will compete in the first of three non-points shows at Canaan, followed by the second annual Modified Madness $10,000 to win race Wednesday night, July 26 at Seekonk, Ma., Speedway presented by Viveiros Insurance. That race will be officiated by TVMRS officials. The month will conclude with a return engagement to Monadnock. A third non-points show will be the first ever Modified Mania at Thompson Speedway, Thompson, CT.
This Saturday’s race program starts at 6 p.m. Advance tickets are on sale now by calling the Monadnock Speedway box office. Monadnock Speedway is located on Rte 10, Winchester, NH.